Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Haven't been blogging for a while.. Was busy trying to get the best out of my remaining time in Melbourne and trying my utmost to savor lil' time left with my dear friends..
2008 puts a full stop to many things. Firstly, it's the graduate year of my 3-yr degree course. My student life ends here. Also it's also an end to my stay in Melbourne. No more nice hot mocha chats with friends while strolling in the cool weather of Melbourne, no more beautiful blue skies which accentuates the beauty of photos, no more Smith St. bargain buys.. no more drinking sessions at Sam's with the gang.. Awwwwww....
I've never experienced such severe bouts of depression in my life.. Faced with a heavy and strenuous project workload, the strains of a longing heart, the cold nights of loneliness, my world seemed downcast. Every single day is a torture. Every night, miserable. The restlessness of an anxious heart is beyond description..
I will miss you guys.. and I will never ever forget you guys.. Joyce, Elaine, SamY, SamC, WH, TJ.. Thank you for everything I've learnt from you guys.. You've been the leading light that had led me outta the lousy times of 2008. Here's a toast to a promising and happy 2009 ahead for you.My resolution for 2009 is to be able to learn and improve on appreciating small things in life. to be content. to appreciate ppl better. to curb my frustrations when provoked. to be a better son, brother and friend. to be happy.Labels: feelings, love, melbourne, Pain
Bean blubbered at [21:00]
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Went for drinks after the ACMI screening of our BAM/BAAIM graduate work at first Misty and then another pub along Elizabeth Street. Had 2 'lolli' drinks(basically cocktails by the name of 'Soher Lemonade) and 3 'neat' shots. The shot (shown above) of my favourite color of luminous lime green is apparently mixed with the leaves of marijuana MINUS the druggie bits..
Also proceeded to down another 2 more shots going by the interesting name of Wet Pussy and one by the name of ZeTruce?... Went flushed red(i imagine.. nope, i din look into the mirror..) and had to periodically blow my ears clear.. lol.. i'm sucha bad drinker.. lol.. but it's fun! =DFull Peeks on Facebook.
luv my frens so much.. gonna miss their company so much when i return.. awww...Labels: drink drank drunk, feelings, melbourne, places
Bean blubbered at [01:38]
Saturday, December 06, 2008
* lazy post *
Eli organized a farewell dinner for me. is genuinely grateful and thoroughly appreciate the effort to make me feel loved and remembered. for frens whom i havent met on a regular basis. in fact, we havent met up for about a year over. Kin, Eli, Raymond & Panny... Thank you..
Labels: feelings, love, melbourne, places
Bean blubbered at [22:44]
went on a trip to gold coast from dec 1 to dec 5. many first times.. went on Jetstar budget airline, backpackers motel, rented a car, went to Warners Brothers Movie World & Wet N Wild World. took rides, played taboo with my classmates. had fun.. lotsa..
*ps: Only few selected pictures shown. Rest of the pix on facebook.
- Gold Coast I
- Gold Coast IILabels: melbourne, places
Bean blubbered at [18:48]
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
* belated posts *
click on links to facebook albums..
had exhibition of our graduate work at ACMI.
- 'Creative Discharge' @ ACMI
went out with classmates for city tour.
- City Sightseeing @ Melbourne Old Gaol
- City Sightseeing II @ Eureka Sky Deck 88
- attended Seb's 21st Rebirth.Labels: melbourne, places, school
Bean blubbered at [20:45]
Monday, December 01, 2008
blog has stagnanted. photos of recent events have been posted on facebook. many thoughts left as is and unrecorded. going with the flow. nothing presumptuous. nothing cynical.
results are out. got a Credit and a High Distinction. Now just awaiting graduation..Labels: melbourne, school
Bean blubbered at [18:43]