Haiz.. booking in now.. Parade rehearsal for the real thing on the 12th. sianz ah. the parade will be so much of an anti-climax for us due to its untimely nature. it's on the 12th of august. a whooping 4 months and 12 days from my actual ORD day. it's actually an ORD parade more suitable for the riflemen, who coming from the mono intake, only serves 2 years or less of army.
see what shit higher education dragged us into? kaoz. now oso nothing on in camp le, should just allow all of us to ORD lor.. at least i'm taking this time to learn driving. hmmm.. should get the class 3 license soon. feeling excited! yet i noe to many others it'd have been a been there done that. perhaps i'm just feeling a tad too overly proud over getting it. afterall lotsa ppl pass their class 3 everyday.. nothing uncommon. not like i'm getting a nobel award. hmmmf.. XP
Saturday will be my last guard duty. it will also served as one of my extras to clear.. then i'll have another 2 wkday COS this month to serve as my 3 extra duties for bringing my hp into that restricted ammo zone. Fiak.. count it on my bad luck from knocking onto that black cat a day before i got my extras..
i'm feeling envious. i really long for my chance to own a car and ferry the special someone to and fro work and shopping. i feel inferior when compared to other guys who already owns a car, a stable job and suave looks and tall height. sometimes when i tell ppl i'm only a corporal in army too when most of my close ones became at least a sergeant.
i'm beginning to think whether me not being posted to at least sispec was a mistake or realli coz i cannot make the grade. hmmm... long story abt the mistake. but apparently a few of us were not credited with the silver award which we gotten in ippt during BMT. discovered this after my fellow mate was refused the opportunity to sign on and told that he didn't pass his ippt. he too like me got a silver. we were part of the group who were given permission to skip the final ippt test coz we already achieved Silver award one test earlier.
ok,.. going in le. will be back home probably on sunday morning after guard duty. sunday will probably make the trip down to Orange Grove Road to settle some stuff. then won't get to meet the guys. haiz. me guard duty on sat. kp guard duty on sun. maybe if i finished with my stuff early can arrange to meet jm for a while.. kk.. realli gotta run.. cyaz
Bean blubbered at [06:57]
Friday, August 05, 2005
Haiz.. booking in now.. Parade rehearsal for the real thing on the 12th. sianz ah. the parade will be so much of an anti-climax for us due to its untimely nature. it's on the 12th of august. a whooping 4 months and 12 days from my actual ORD day. it's actually an ORD parade more suitable for the riflemen, who coming from the mono intake, only serves 2 years or less of army.
see what shit higher education dragged us into? kaoz. now oso nothing on in camp le, should just allow all of us to ORD lor.. at least i'm taking this time to learn driving. hmmm.. should get the class 3 license soon. feeling excited! yet i noe to many others it'd have been a been there done that. perhaps i'm just feeling a tad too overly proud over getting it. afterall lotsa ppl pass their class 3 everyday.. nothing uncommon. not like i'm getting a nobel award. hmmmf.. XP
Saturday will be my last guard duty. it will also served as one of my extras to clear.. then i'll have another 2 wkday COS this month to serve as my 3 extra duties for bringing my hp into that restricted ammo zone. Fiak.. count it on my bad luck from knocking onto that black cat a day before i got my extras..
i'm feeling envious. i really long for my chance to own a car and ferry the special someone to and fro work and shopping. i feel inferior when compared to other guys who already owns a car, a stable job and suave looks and tall height. sometimes when i tell ppl i'm only a corporal in army too when most of my close ones became at least a sergeant.
i'm beginning to think whether me not being posted to at least sispec was a mistake or realli coz i cannot make the grade. hmmm... long story abt the mistake. but apparently a few of us were not credited with the silver award which we gotten in ippt during BMT. discovered this after my fellow mate was refused the opportunity to sign on and told that he didn't pass his ippt. he too like me got a silver. we were part of the group who were given permission to skip the final ippt test coz we already achieved Silver award one test earlier.
ok,.. going in le. will be back home probably on sunday morning after guard duty. sunday will probably make the trip down to Orange Grove Road to settle some stuff. then won't get to meet the guys. haiz. me guard duty on sat. kp guard duty on sun. maybe if i finished with my stuff early can arrange to meet jm for a while.. kk.. realli gotta run.. cyaz