Thursday, February 17, 2005
16 Feb 2005 juz became a date i ought to remember. nights off that night.(which was ytd nite lah..) i set about doing what i knew i must do if i didn't wanna disappoint. it was my first time buying flowers. i was pretty blur. i asked for lilies. after the lady picked 12 lilies out for me n tried to wrap them up with some newspapers for me, i asked her whether she could like make it into a bouquet. like decorate it nicer.. she intro me her ready made sunflower. due to shortage of time, i had to make do. i promise i'll get her another bouquet..
i felt realli uneasy holding the bouquet of flowers as i walked around. i don't know what ppl would be thinking about me.. i went home with it n managed to sneak in n out of the house without having it seen by dad. skillful eh? haha.. i changed into my red tshirt which i'm required to wear for the next day's CNY celebrations and rushed off to find her. she was going to pay the uni application fees.
*rushing off to chomp chomp to meet some ppl who wants to see me. God! inspection ah? hmmm... nvm, dun wanna be a cold towel n disappoint her.. i'll go.. haha.. hope they dun tekan me later.. kekeke.. incentive is can see her mah.. i miss her sooooo much.. haha :P continue this blog entry when i return..*
*continuing my story above*
i didn't noe the exact location of the atm she wanted to go to.. but i told her i'll find her. i grabbed the bouquet in my "ang gong gong" t shirt n went to look for her. wah.. paiseh loh.. very uneasy coz i realli veri inexperienced with flowers.. but then nothing wrong with trying to be a good bf mah.. not as if i buy the flowers to appease gf after i commit wrong. found her.. in spects. first time see her in spects.. it realli doesn't make much of a diff for me..
she was rushing for dinner at home n i merely walked her home n chit chat with her a lil' loh.. it was enjoyable juz chatting with her. guess this is what happens when u hv a liking for someone.. hmmmm...
Bean blubbered at [16:53]
Thursday, February 17, 2005
16 Feb 2005 juz became a date i ought to remember. nights off that night.(which was ytd nite lah..) i set about doing what i knew i must do if i didn't wanna disappoint. it was my first time buying flowers. i was pretty blur. i asked for lilies. after the lady picked 12 lilies out for me n tried to wrap them up with some newspapers for me, i asked her whether she could like make it into a bouquet. like decorate it nicer.. she intro me her ready made sunflower. due to shortage of time, i had to make do. i promise i'll get her another bouquet..
i felt realli uneasy holding the bouquet of flowers as i walked around. i don't know what ppl would be thinking about me.. i went home with it n managed to sneak in n out of the house without having it seen by dad. skillful eh? haha.. i changed into my red tshirt which i'm required to wear for the next day's CNY celebrations and rushed off to find her. she was going to pay the uni application fees.
*rushing off to chomp chomp to meet some ppl who wants to see me. God! inspection ah? hmmm... nvm, dun wanna be a cold towel n disappoint her.. i'll go.. haha.. hope they dun tekan me later.. kekeke.. incentive is can see her mah.. i miss her sooooo much.. haha :P continue this blog entry when i return..*
*continuing my story above*i didn't noe the exact location of the atm she wanted to go to.. but i told her i'll find her. i grabbed the bouquet in my "ang gong gong" t shirt n went to look for her. wah.. paiseh loh.. very uneasy coz i realli veri inexperienced with flowers.. but then nothing wrong with trying to be a good bf mah.. not as if i buy the flowers to appease gf after i commit wrong. found her.. in spects. first time see her in spects.. it realli doesn't make much of a diff for me..
she was rushing for dinner at home n i merely walked her home n chit chat with her a lil' loh.. it was enjoyable juz chatting with her. guess this is what happens when u hv a liking for someone.. hmmmm...