Monday, December 27, 2004
wah.. last post was on monday 20th.. a week ago.. platoon conhesive. hmmm.. booked in on the 20th. booked out on the 22nd afternoon. haha.. fast loh.. mainly relaxed at home.. on the 24th, christmas eve, i went science centre with my aunts n uncles as well as the lil' kids(cousins) of coz.. then after the visit, we went to ice skate..
long time never skate le. a bit nervous initially but soon was able to ski faster n faster le. then was hving fun until i tried to speed past michelle when she let out a hand which cause me to lose my balance.. i fell landing on my left shoulder, left cheekbone and left jaw.. Ouch!! as i sit on the ice, i felt giddy n unable to focus. in the end got 2 bumps on my face. urgh.. one on my jaw n one on my left cheekbone.. very pain. sianz.
then had dinner at ah ma house. heh.. it's good to be back to hving regular meals at ah ma house again.. much better than hving cook house food definitely lah hor.. fell asleep early around 10pm. prolly too shagged out by the ice skating n walking around in science centre..
christmas morning woke up cold. haha.. white christmas!! haha.. no lah.. coz my blanket go one side i go one side then the air con made me veri cold mah.. kekekeke.. afternoon went out with the guys to walk walk. kp bought a home theatre. 499. panasonic one. slugged it home on a cab. i went straight on the cab to horizon gardens. aunt pui yee place. played taboo with them. guys vs gals. i think i like playing it. i feel that it's a very suitable game to play in chalets rather than to gamble poker, mj or worse still to smoke n drink.. maybe can find the price of it somewhere.. i might buy it..
dad called me on the handphone then. he told me his bike stolen in jb. then lost his wallet, bike keys everything. haiz. i rushed home to pass him keys so he needn't wait downstairs for us to come back. i realli hate those bike robbers to the core.. too much loh.. crime and malaysia come in tandem more as compared to singapore. dun like malaysia..
then the guys came over to my place. we had fun playing fm2005 n winning 11. also jm played metal gear solid while we watched.. the following morning we went to play soccer at chong boon there.. we played on grass instead of the bball court we usually play on. it was good playing there.. more chance to show our dribbling skills etc..
went home sleep a while then evening watch soccer with jonas n kp. then night we play fm2005. awoke this morning to have breakfast with kp. jonas had already left when i awoke at 9am. as me n kp walked towards his van at the carpark, i heard this scrambler engine noise. then i remark to kp somemore that my encik owns a bike exactly the same as that one in front. then he spotted a 'fatimah' so he rushed towards his van.
as i walked slower towards the van, the guy still wearing the helmet riding the bike came towards me then i realized that must surely be my encik le.. haha.. he ask me i live nearby meh? then i say i live 105 loh.. he said he lived 106 for the past 29 years lei.. haha.. strange why we nv met be4 all these years..
after breakfast with kp i went back home watched a movie with michelle then we both fell asleep. awoke in the late afternoon then evening we went J8 to shop.. basically window shopping lah.. juz wanna walk around see things oni loh.. nothing in mind to buy also.. had dinner at ah ma place again.. ahhh... i wish i could live this civilian life without reverting back to my army days after 02 january.. 24 dec will come soon.. heh..