Sunday, November 21, 2004
hello guys... my name is melvyn.. yes, with the small caps 'm'.. that's how i liked it spelled. heh. i juz got a liking for the rounded edge of the baby 'm'.. heh crappy sia.. kekekeke.. time to blog..
last monday was mainly preparation for outfield for them while i served my 2nd extra. then tuesday n wednesday we were outfield.. it juz get so depressing n down when u're out there at night. u can't see things clearly. u need a torch light often. it's worse if u had to take down sitreps, spotreps etc.. even more worse if u're S2 signaller carrying an extra signal set n hv to walk at the same pace as them. okay, nuff of grumbling.. army juz suck n i ain't gonna complain anymore in my beloved blog. haha..
friday night book out i went home n play battle rhelm. fun! play till around 0430h saturday morning. then sleep till around 0845h. soccer at 1000h at chongboon there. play with Ian they all.. i dun realli like Ian. he very noisy ah.. play till 1400h. skip lunch n play soccer with ZQ & Co. at 106 till around 1630h. wah shag. i ended with cramps all over my legs.. thighs n calf.. but i scored lots.. i felt realli good.. i scored 2 goals in my first game then a hatrick in another.. i can't remember the rest. ahah.. had fun dribbling. hee;) had a muddy good time too.. reminded of the days when i was younger n i could play till i'm all muddy everyday.. i juz miss those days.. but they'll nv come back..
sat night jm n dn stayed over. we played winning, battle rhelm, GTA & a bit of Metal Gear Solid. i wish jm would allow us to watch him play. he always wanna go home asap one lei.. v sianz.. now feel like going out but then no one to go out with lei.. also a bit tired from saturday's soccer crazed day.. or maybe i should just play my battle rhelm? hmmm... indecisive is my name.. kekeke.. so long guys..
Bean blubbered at [14:12]
Sunday, November 21, 2004
hello guys... my name is melvyn.. yes, with the small caps 'm'.. that's how i liked it spelled. heh. i juz got a liking for the rounded edge of the baby 'm'.. heh crappy sia.. kekekeke.. time to blog..
last monday was mainly preparation for outfield for them while i served my 2nd extra. then tuesday n wednesday we were outfield.. it juz get so depressing n down when u're out there at night. u can't see things clearly. u need a torch light often. it's worse if u had to take down sitreps, spotreps etc.. even more worse if u're S2 signaller carrying an extra signal set n hv to walk at the same pace as them. okay, nuff of grumbling.. army juz suck n i ain't gonna complain anymore in my beloved blog. haha..
friday night book out i went home n play battle rhelm. fun! play till around 0430h saturday morning. then sleep till around 0845h. soccer at 1000h at chongboon there. play with Ian they all.. i dun realli like Ian. he very noisy ah.. play till 1400h. skip lunch n play soccer with ZQ & Co. at 106 till around 1630h. wah shag. i ended with cramps all over my legs.. thighs n calf.. but i scored lots.. i felt realli good.. i scored 2 goals in my first game then a hatrick in another.. i can't remember the rest. ahah.. had fun dribbling. hee;) had a muddy good time too.. reminded of the days when i was younger n i could play till i'm all muddy everyday.. i juz miss those days.. but they'll nv come back..
sat night jm n dn stayed over. we played winning, battle rhelm, GTA & a bit of Metal Gear Solid. i wish jm would allow us to watch him play. he always wanna go home asap one lei.. v sianz.. now feel like going out but then no one to go out with lei.. also a bit tired from saturday's soccer crazed day.. or maybe i should just play my battle rhelm? hmmm... indecisive is my name.. kekeke.. so long guys..