Saturday, November 27, 2004
no mood to blog lah.. this weekend super short for me lor.. friday 3pm book out. night time go ps walk walk with darren n eeping then drove around singapore to eat supper. had fun. i did some crazy stunt somemore.. visited dark & eerie places hoping to find a ghost but to no avail.. reach home 0410h saturday morning.
saturday 1030h reach chongboon sec area to play bball court soccer. had fun too.. reach home 1445h after shopping amk centre alone getting football manager 2005 n also a stupid haircut. encik nowadays v strict. get caught i die.. so must cut. damn the fm2005. in dutch language cannot play. sad say got option to change language to english one but he no time to show me. fish. next weekend then can start playing le. this whole weekend nv play a single game lor.
booking in soon le. sianz. feeling lousy n lonely again. sometimes i wonder how is apple doing. n also dancing toes. haiz. i hate the hours before booking in. juz feel real sucky.. another 3 days of outfield next week sianz.. after that also SOI SOI SOI.. i'm going crazy..
Bean blubbered at [20:26]
sad caught after bathing..SAF cupboard quite big afterall
Bean blubbered at [20:24]
scoutie llewell??? with MG somemore sia..
Bean blubbered at [20:23]
juis' toes.. with my masterpiece
Bean blubbered at [20:22]
sad with MG rounds!!
Bean blubbered at [20:21]
sad with a very macho garang look with the MG
Bean blubbered at [20:20]
junwei with the MG hand carried
Bean blubbered at [20:19]
took a picture of juis' butt after llewell had pull down his pants n added a masterpiece
Bean blubbered at [20:17]
this is a pic of my handphone pouch as promised earlier..
Bean blubbered at [20:16]
Sunday, November 21, 2004
hey guys again.. i went out juz now.. finally mustered enough strength (haha!) to lift my butt off my chair/bed to go out. went bishan J8. nearby oni lah but quite happy also.. got girl to accompany.. haha.. for those k-p-o ones ready to spread the latest rumour, i hv to disappoint ya coz it was my sis who accompany me out lah..
it's like a stroll realli.. went aussino n bought a super single bed spread which includes a pillow case, bolster case n bedsheet. urgh.. i got 2 bolsters n 2 pillows lei.. jialat.. nvm lah.. dun care.. $17.90. bought a kitkat mug with kitkat.. 9 dollar plus. also bought a handphone sock. $1.90 haha.. i juz like the hassle-free part about not having to pull the strings to open n close my handphone pouch.. shall post a picture of it later..
then we also had snacks. it's like those satay sticks with gravvy rich chicken pieces on it. me n michelle had a chicken stick each n shared a stick of chicken balls. quite yummy. i also tried a small piece of kaya cake. ok oni lah.. then i bought dinner home. my long awaited char siew rice from blk 107!! i had skipped having char siew rice as lunch this noon coz i wanted to save it for dinner.. haha.. kk.. so long guys i gotta eat then prepare to book in loh.. byee ;)
Bean blubbered at [19:05]
hello guys... my name is melvyn.. yes, with the small caps 'm'.. that's how i liked it spelled. heh. i juz got a liking for the rounded edge of the baby 'm'.. heh crappy sia.. kekekeke.. time to blog..
last monday was mainly preparation for outfield for them while i served my 2nd extra. then tuesday n wednesday we were outfield.. it juz get so depressing n down when u're out there at night. u can't see things clearly. u need a torch light often. it's worse if u had to take down sitreps, spotreps etc.. even more worse if u're S2 signaller carrying an extra signal set n hv to walk at the same pace as them. okay, nuff of grumbling.. army juz suck n i ain't gonna complain anymore in my beloved blog. haha..
friday night book out i went home n play battle rhelm. fun! play till around 0430h saturday morning. then sleep till around 0845h. soccer at 1000h at chongboon there. play with Ian they all.. i dun realli like Ian. he very noisy ah.. play till 1400h. skip lunch n play soccer with ZQ & Co. at 106 till around 1630h. wah shag. i ended with cramps all over my legs.. thighs n calf.. but i scored lots.. i felt realli good.. i scored 2 goals in my first game then a hatrick in another.. i can't remember the rest. ahah.. had fun dribbling. hee;) had a muddy good time too.. reminded of the days when i was younger n i could play till i'm all muddy everyday.. i juz miss those days.. but they'll nv come back..
sat night jm n dn stayed over. we played winning, battle rhelm, GTA & a bit of Metal Gear Solid. i wish jm would allow us to watch him play. he always wanna go home asap one lei.. v sianz.. now feel like going out but then no one to go out with lei.. also a bit tired from saturday's soccer crazed day.. or maybe i should just play my battle rhelm? hmmm... indecisive is my name.. kekeke.. so long guys..
Bean blubbered at [14:12]
Sunday, November 14, 2004
finally got down to blogging.. heh.. sunday for me was as usual soccer at chong boon area there.. 10am.. scored 2 goals.. happy with my second one.. i like it coz it was a one two then first time shot which was a chip over the last man. i love the way it spinned slowly into goal.. heh.. so class.. haha..
afternoon due to jm avoiding us for the day, i spent online.. chatting with dav, pc, eeping, sad, dyn at diff periods of the afternoon. actually wanted to play the Resident Evil IV on my pc one. then left it in kp's van.. think i gonna get it from him next week. in the end tot of playing battle rhelms but then again i chatted my afternoon away.. u can't really push ur frens who r chatting with ya away right? haha..
dad made dinner. it was quite good. he doesn't cook the rice well.. too much water le.. i reckon he should be betta than me. but he marinates the lamp chop well.. he used to work in the f & b line.. so.. haha.. n i taught him how to use his digital video camera somemore.. funny he press the mode button thinking it is the shooting button.. haha.. no wonder it couldn't work for him..
tidy up my room a little too.. heh.. threw away some useless stuff n my room's neater now though i still ain't proud of it yet.. haha.. still need lotsa packing up.. but that'll have got to wait till next weekend.. ok, that's all for now.. chatting with another fren now..
Bean blubbered at [19:34]
Saturday, November 13, 2004
watched taxi with the guys today.. quite a nice show.. enjoy it actually.. oni thing was me feeling blue coz i missed having a someone to watch movie with..
Bean blubbered at [23:57]
Thursday, November 11, 2004
today is my bdae.. firstly i would like to thank lynn, clara, juis, vincent, jinny, weisian, apple, baoxian, dav, dn n bingcheng who greeted me with a bdae sms.. they are in order of who sent me first..several wish me happy bdae on msn too.. hongyu, grace, eeping etc.. pardon me if i forgot to include anyone.. 5 ang pows n one shirt richer.. michelle bought the shirt using money from her holiday work..intend to return her half the amount at the veri least. she's asking for my blog add again. i dun wanna give her.. haha..
afternoon had lunch n got to see ah ma, ah gong n my 2 uncles & aunties.. n of coz.. all my noisy cousins.. haha.. aunt pui yee ask me go to her church some time.. hmmm.. i wonder whether i should go.. i see no reason lor.. she should hv come out with some reason... also invite me to her house coz i nv go before mah.. say tomolo night hv dinner there.. dun think i'll be going lah..
dunno tomolo will get recall by bso or not. if get recall i sure super dulan one.. he better not do it. tomolo morning feel like going jogging then meet jm come my house play winning 11 or GTA. ok lah.. dun wanna talk too much i wanna play game le.. haha..
Bean blubbered at [22:52]
Saturday, November 06, 2004
another mischievious monkey
Bean blubbered at [22:43]
outta focused yellow flower.. i like this flower. nice...
Bean blubbered at [22:43]
my shadow n what i picked..
Bean blubbered at [22:42]
me sweaty n with messy hair..
Bean blubbered at [22:42]
kid cycling
Bean blubbered at [22:41]
i tried to recce n bash thru there.. the jungle on the right.. but to no avail..
Bean blubbered at [22:41]
lifeboat? no lah.. doing some maintenance i supposed.. reminds me of my canoeing days.. heh.. fun.. come to think of it, having 3 ecas in 3 yrs in sji was fun and probably more benefitting than sticking to one oni..
Bean blubbered at [22:40]
no fishing? how abt using a net? is it call netting instead?
Bean blubbered at [22:39]
think it'd be realli nice to picnic or camp here fishing.. heh.. but it's prohibited i guess..
Bean blubbered at [22:38]
first view of the water..
Bean blubbered at [22:37]
finally reach the reservoir..
Bean blubbered at [22:37]
the sign which appears the most along my jogging route.. pretty useless i say.
Bean blubbered at [22:36]
michievious monkies galore.. this one biting onto a fruit probably fed by some passing vehicle...
Bean blubbered at [22:36]
taken while i was jogging. see.. others drive i jog.. garang eh? kekeke
Bean blubbered at [22:35]
ok.. finally booked out on friday night. quite late tho. around 9?.. it's been a veri tense week.. rsm n hq coy giving sp coy a lot of complains n pressure to discipline us. sianz. thus now every small mistake in camp is very severely dealt with. since i sign 3 extras from listening to radio while on sentry duty, jilin n frankie followed suit. signing 3 each.
frankie for signing wrong date on the armskote book. jilin the armskote ic also kena drag into the shit. looks like they'll be joining me for the 15th nov guard duty.. n oso the 28th nov one too.. all these tension shit is also the reason why we booked out so late on friday night lor. after a strict stand by bed supposed to be at 7pm we kena turn out while we had all already changed into cv attire for the standby. Freaking shit..
our standby was good lor.. clean n neat.. but still kena turn out. some tekan session has no reason one lor.. then news has it that we'll have a standby bed every monday n friday. tues, weds n thurs randomly oso can hv.. all our sending of arms, falling in for activities, n marching has got to be tip top.. they say revert to bmt style. haiz. tat time i bmt so good life.. i wish they mean revert to my bmt style lor..
friday night reach home oso quite tired liao.. so as usual fell asleep while watching a movie. that is dodgeball.. i forgot whether i got mention in my previous entry but i was also watching dodgeball when i fell asleep last week. last week i had oni watched around 3/4 of the 1st CD. friday night i watched until left 3/4 of the 2nd CD. haha.. i can't sit still n watch lah.. that's y i dun watch much TV. i'll sleep one lor.. haha..
awoke surprisingly early despite me sleeping around 1+2.. around 8.30 wake up. left home at 9 to jog. this time instead of jogging at bishan park which i find too hot n boring, i jog towards casuarina prata there. my intention was to go to the reservoir there. but there was upper n lower pierce reservoir there.. half unknowingly i chose to turn right at the junction there n headed for upper pierce. i didn't know it was that far lor.. haha.. but i maintain jogging all the way till i reach it. that is like 45 mins of continuous jogging.
over there, the ambience is good. fresh air, families fishing, elderly doing morning exercises and some bikers. few would hv jogged there.. mostly drove or cycled there.. i think i was probably a lil' crazy.. i'll post the pix in a later entry..
passed by sngs n hv a few eye candies to oogle at.. jogged past the cheeky monkeys.. i was almost attacked by one of them. coz i go scare it. then it seemed provoked or what lor.. like wanna pounce at me. i jumped and was ready to kick it in the nose. but i saw that it backed off. n i withheld my leg too. (later on the way back i was to again disturbed the same monkey. i didn't realli realize until he gave me the same small scare.. haha..)
lazy to jog back initially, i tried bashing a shortcut to amk. but the jungle trail not veri easy to find my way back n i dun wanna waste my effort oni to hv to turn back so i decided to walk back. but as impatient as i always am, i soon started jogging then soon running.. i reckon upper pierce reservoir is about 2 km from casuarina prata.
feeling sweaty n all i didn't wanna eat at there. i oni stop by at blk 163 econ to get groceries. i bought a lot sia.. got a drink of coz.. grass jelly.. heh.. i seem to be hooked on that.. kekeke.. coz i feel heaty.. wanna de-heat. ppl rec me jiajia liang tea but i dun like tat.. tho i nv tried it be4.. i juz dun like the name liang cha.. coz it reminds me of those brewed awful ones...
came back home bathed then read the papers. straits times lah, friday newpaper n then sat newpaper. doing all these while i drink lotsa water n snack concurrently.. heh.. i bought snapple, n a few cans of grass jelly home.. i oso drank nescafe coffee.. then finish watching dodgeball. finally.. next week i'll start on another movie. i hv wimbledon, cinderella story, white chicks, spiderman 2, shrek 2, shark tale, garfield, cellular, resident evil, the stepford wives to choose from.. i can't make up my mind n i wonder how long i'll take to watch finish all of them lor.. considering i took 3 sittings to finish watching dodgeball which turned out to be a rather lame show.
the rest of my afternoon was spent renaming all the stef sun songs n also organizing my mp3s. i also put in a new set of mp3 into my hp.. uploaded the pics into my pc too.. then up till now (2230h) still haven eat dinner. hmmm.. intend to eat while watching soccer later at 2300h lor.. jm n kp joining me to watch the game.. tomolo morning got inside info will get recall around 10am.. sianz.. my clothes dunno will dry or not lei.. haven pack my bag. i dun wanna rush too much lei.. ok,.. finally finish blogging for now.. hopefully tomolo morning go in sign le then can book out soon after le.. k..
where is my life? whole weekend stay home other than go jog ??? looks forward to ORD asap..
Bean blubbered at [21:26]