Saturday, August 14, 2004
Woke up super early today. around 0730h. hurriedly go brush teeth, make breakfast(with coffee of coz..), fold my army clothes and packed into my bag to get ready for a recall.. alert red period is like that one lah.. must be 24-hour ready to dash into camp to change into long four uniform within 2 hours. ended up finish packing le still haven get the recall.. now already 1040h. haiz.. i slept late last night again.. as is all my book out nights. around 0400h++..
Booked out last night after a last minute turn out. almost, if not all, had already changed into civilian clothing getting ready to book out le when BSO called a turn out. hurriedly change back into long four with helmet, SBO webbing & fieldpack n rush downstairs to the corridor n fall in. surprisingly i was the first in the platoon to be downstairs.. haha.. i was still wearing white socks(when we're supposed to be wearing the longer green socks when wearing boots), had not worn a belt(which i usually do but ain't compulsory to) and haven buttoned up my fly fully..(i only buttoned up 2 outta around 5 buttons. but it's covered by the no. 4 shirt anyway...)
we roughly just missed the timing or just made it.. so no punishment meted out la.. purely to "test our combat readiness n not to tekan" as quoted from BSO. but the sweating caused by the impromptu turn out already wasted all our effort to bath just before we book out. It was during the keeping back of our stuff into the fieldpack that i cut my finger. the ET Blade pouch is torn.. i was trying to push the Entrenching Tool into the fieldpack when i pushed my finger against the torn part of the ET Blade pouch & cut my finger. i washed my finger n slowly took my tim as i became the last one to finish packing n go upstairs to change back to civilian clothes. A lil' disappointed that no one noticed my cut before i went upstairs thus getting ZERO help from anyone.. anyway,... it's over n i dun realli mind la.. =)
went to bunk one to ask for hansaplus. bingcheng has. but while waiting for him to get it, i went back to my bunk to pack my stuff. frankie who probably saw my cut had prepared lotsa hansaplus on the table for me to use. i took one from him and used it to wrap my finger. it was transparent(yes, me swaku.. first time see be4) but it was pretty small i find. maybe i veri long time nv use liao find it small la... frankie insist it's normal size. ok... proceeded to pack my stuff..
went home by cab with 3 other amk guys. then used the pc while waiting for something to happen. haha.. stayed awake throughout till around 0400h++ before i decided to sleep. Come to think of it, it was enjoyable.. haha... it's been a while since i last did it. hmmm... is there such thing as honeymoon friendship? haha.. hope not..
Bean blubbered at [10:37]
Saturday, August 14, 2004
Woke up super early today. around 0730h. hurriedly go brush teeth, make breakfast(with coffee of coz..), fold my army clothes and packed into my bag to get ready for a recall.. alert red period is like that one lah.. must be 24-hour ready to dash into camp to change into long four uniform within 2 hours. ended up finish packing le still haven get the recall.. now already 1040h. haiz.. i slept late last night again.. as is all my book out nights. around 0400h++..
Booked out last night after a last minute turn out. almost, if not all, had already changed into civilian clothing getting ready to book out le when BSO called a turn out. hurriedly change back into long four with helmet, SBO webbing & fieldpack n rush downstairs to the corridor n fall in. surprisingly i was the first in the platoon to be downstairs.. haha.. i was still wearing white socks(when we're supposed to be wearing the longer green socks when wearing boots), had not worn a belt(which i usually do but ain't compulsory to) and haven buttoned up my fly fully..(i only buttoned up 2 outta around 5 buttons. but it's covered by the no. 4 shirt anyway...)
we roughly just missed the timing or just made it.. so no punishment meted out la.. purely to "test our combat readiness n not to tekan" as quoted from BSO. but the sweating caused by the impromptu turn out already wasted all our effort to bath just before we book out. It was during the keeping back of our stuff into the fieldpack that i cut my finger. the ET Blade pouch is torn.. i was trying to push the Entrenching Tool into the fieldpack when i pushed my finger against the torn part of the ET Blade pouch & cut my finger. i washed my finger n slowly took my tim as i became the last one to finish packing n go upstairs to change back to civilian clothes. A lil' disappointed that no one noticed my cut before i went upstairs thus getting ZERO help from anyone.. anyway,... it's over n i dun realli mind la.. =)
went to bunk one to ask for hansaplus. bingcheng has. but while waiting for him to get it, i went back to my bunk to pack my stuff. frankie who probably saw my cut had prepared lotsa hansaplus on the table for me to use. i took one from him and used it to wrap my finger. it was transparent(yes, me swaku.. first time see be4) but it was pretty small i find. maybe i veri long time nv use liao find it small la... frankie insist it's normal size. ok... proceeded to pack my stuff..
went home by cab with 3 other amk guys. then used the pc while waiting for something to happen. haha.. stayed awake throughout till around 0400h++ before i decided to sleep. Come to think of it, it was enjoyable.. haha... it's been a while since i last did it. hmmm... is there such thing as honeymoon friendship? haha.. hope not..