The past week was a short week in camp! All thanks to the nation's bdae falling on a Monday.. Tuesday night book in to sortof compensate the marching contingent for their hard work on the night's performance. Look at the KHAKI BERET!! Look at the GUARDS TAB on the soldier's left shoulder!! it is my pride n honour to say that i'm a GUARDSMAN too!!
Although often i think that having to serve 2 yrs of NS is pretty dumb, i take pride in being a GUARDSMAN. to be part of the Guards family. the training and demands are higher than in other units but when u don the khaki beret, i can feel the prestige that is being respected. A lot of my frens in other units look up to the khaki beret but dun hv the chance to don it. Some see it above the maroon beret of the commandoes and i dun see why not? i dislike colors like red and maroon anyway!
okok, enough of pride n honour.. booked in tuesday night. busied our way thru packing a new Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) way of fieldpack packing.. ziplock bags, no. 4 uniform, socks, underwear, toiletries, mess tins, kiwi brush, etc.. all in... engrossed in some interesting sms bouts with a new fren. heh.. pretty fun!! =)
over the next few weekdays we spent our time being always ready for a turn out which is activated by the ringing of a bell or siren. upon turned out, we r to fall in Full Battle Order(FBO) at the corridor within 5 minutes. for non-army personnels, FBO means SAR21 rifle, helmet, webbing(it's like a vest with lotsa pouches to put magazines loaded with live rounds in time of war..), and fieldpack with all the nicely labelled packs inside. then we'll most likely be tested on our speed in unpacking n laying out in orderly and standardized manner within 3 minutes. failure to comply to the time will be punished. failure to pack sound free packs will be served with some blood-rushing-to-the-head pushups too!! (the packs mustn't make much noise even when shaken!!)
i did lotsa admin work for my PS as he's now treating me as his PA. URGH! i dunno whether tat's good. but i guess it's my way of repaying him his kindness to me also lor.. though it's not within my job scope. lotsa planning of duty roster schedules, typing on excel, printing out, revising of roster, emailing, designing and printing out of signal store signs, fieldpack numbers and fieldpack names etc... all this done in the midst of being 24 hour prepared for a turn out. quite a stressful week. but there was this secret that keeps me going and brightened up my days n nights !!
"The girl is a pessimist whilst the boy is the optimist. They however, seems to share a lot in common, or so the gal thinks..." "She's happily attached... To her work. The boy reminds e gal of a guy she used to like, but she's never truly been in love before. she's sorry for e boy n hopes he recovers soon."
"So shy but she's fine with e idea cos she knows that they'll be great friends and have lots fun. The gal wonders if e guy's allowed to make calls in camp..."
"Ops... E gal apoloizes for her ignorance which could have cause e guy to be punished. e gal is jus lying in bed, smsing. The gal wonders if it's possible for e guy to keep this friendship jus between e two of them because she'll feel weird if others knows..."
Bean blubbered at [23:25]
Friday, August 13, 2004
The past week was a short week in camp! All thanks to the nation's bdae falling on a Monday.. Tuesday night book in to sortof compensate the marching contingent for their hard work on the night's performance. Look at the KHAKI BERET!! Look at the GUARDS TAB on the soldier's left shoulder!! it is my pride n honour to say that i'm a GUARDSMAN too!!
Although often i think that having to serve 2 yrs of NS is pretty dumb, i take pride in being a GUARDSMAN. to be part of the Guards family. the training and demands are higher than in other units but when u don the khaki beret, i can feel the prestige that is being respected. A lot of my frens in other units look up to the khaki beret but dun hv the chance to don it. Some see it above the maroon beret of the commandoes and i dun see why not? i dislike colors like red and maroon anyway!
okok, enough of pride n honour.. booked in tuesday night. busied our way thru packing a new Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) way of fieldpack packing.. ziplock bags, no. 4 uniform, socks, underwear, toiletries, mess tins, kiwi brush, etc.. all in... engrossed in some interesting sms bouts with a new fren. heh.. pretty fun!! =)
over the next few weekdays we spent our time being always ready for a turn out which is activated by the ringing of a bell or siren. upon turned out, we r to fall in Full Battle Order(FBO) at the corridor within 5 minutes. for non-army personnels, FBO means SAR21 rifle, helmet, webbing(it's like a vest with lotsa pouches to put magazines loaded with live rounds in time of war..), and fieldpack with all the nicely labelled packs inside. then we'll most likely be tested on our speed in unpacking n laying out in orderly and standardized manner within 3 minutes. failure to comply to the time will be punished. failure to pack sound free packs will be served with some blood-rushing-to-the-head pushups too!! (the packs mustn't make much noise even when shaken!!)
i did lotsa admin work for my PS as he's now treating me as his PA. URGH! i dunno whether tat's good. but i guess it's my way of repaying him his kindness to me also lor.. though it's not within my job scope. lotsa planning of duty roster schedules, typing on excel, printing out, revising of roster, emailing, designing and printing out of signal store signs, fieldpack numbers and fieldpack names etc... all this done in the midst of being 24 hour prepared for a turn out. quite a stressful week. but there was this secret that keeps me going and brightened up my days n nights !!
"The girl is a pessimist whilst the boy is the optimist. They however, seems to share a lot in common, or so the gal thinks..." "She's happily attached... To her work. The boy reminds e gal of a guy she used to like, but she's never truly been in love before. she's sorry for e boy n hopes he recovers soon."
"So shy but she's fine with e idea cos she knows that they'll be great friends and have lots fun. The gal wonders if e guy's allowed to make calls in camp..."
"Ops... E gal apoloizes for her ignorance which could have cause e guy to be punished. e gal is jus lying in bed, smsing. The gal wonders if it's possible for e guy to keep this friendship jus between e two of them because she'll feel weird if others knows..."