Saturday, August 21, 2004
Hi everyone again.. i actually booked out on friday night but i was lazy to blog yesterday night so here i am with an update. the past week in camp was spent mostly preparing for alert red activation. by the ring of a bell, we must be ready in FBO downstairs in 5 minutes then they'll test us on the 3 minute everything out and in procedure. other than preparing fieldpack, studying/revising signal notes, we'll be having company exercises like endurance run, soc, icct etc..
For the signal guys, we'll hv to man comms from 17 aug to 17 sept 24 hours 7 days a week.. with a platoon size of 22 man, i was entasked to plan out the duty roster. i was stunned! but i took only like a few hours to plan it out. but lotsa ammendments here n there after that la.. tomolo my shift will start at 0800h n i was told to book in on saturday night. Darnz! i dun want lei.. liddat i can't watch soccer le.. haiz. i'll try to appeal with ps..
i'm crazy! i actually went to apply for a job at jobsdb.. haha.. hope to learn more about being a multimedia developer, web designer etc.. haha.. i still haven decide what to study next time. should i go private for a design course or nus or ntu for computer science? or even study business courses? to specialize in one or to be a jack of all trades, master of none? hmmm.. i might need to hear more views on this so frens please comment.. haha
last night i learnt a lesson. i feel realli regretful for causing hurt, shock, anger to another. i'm sorry. you noe who you are.. i sincerely hope for ur forgiveness and i promise to fulfill my promise. i'll be waiting patiently for ur acknowledgement thru sms, call, or even email.. i can sincerely swear that i did not ever mean to hurt ya or our frenship.. i'm sorry.
Bean blubbered at [14:52]
Saturday, August 21, 2004
Hi everyone again.. i actually booked out on friday night but i was lazy to blog yesterday night so here i am with an update. the past week in camp was spent mostly preparing for alert red activation. by the ring of a bell, we must be ready in FBO downstairs in 5 minutes then they'll test us on the 3 minute everything out and in procedure. other than preparing fieldpack, studying/revising signal notes, we'll be having company exercises like endurance run, soc, icct etc..
For the signal guys, we'll hv to man comms from 17 aug to 17 sept 24 hours 7 days a week.. with a platoon size of 22 man, i was entasked to plan out the duty roster. i was stunned! but i took only like a few hours to plan it out. but lotsa ammendments here n there after that la.. tomolo my shift will start at 0800h n i was told to book in on saturday night. Darnz! i dun want lei.. liddat i can't watch soccer le.. haiz. i'll try to appeal with ps..
i'm crazy! i actually went to apply for a job at jobsdb.. haha.. hope to learn more about being a multimedia developer, web designer etc.. haha.. i still haven decide what to study next time. should i go private for a design course or nus or ntu for computer science? or even study business courses? to specialize in one or to be a jack of all trades, master of none? hmmm.. i might need to hear more views on this so frens please comment.. haha
last night i learnt a lesson. i feel realli regretful for causing hurt, shock, anger to another. i'm sorry. you noe who you are.. i sincerely hope for ur forgiveness and i promise to fulfill my promise. i'll be waiting patiently for ur acknowledgement thru sms, call, or even email.. i can sincerely swear that i did not ever mean to hurt ya or our frenship.. i'm sorry.