No time to write. hmm... went over to jm's after watching the movie, The Eye 2. Not scary la.. we guys could predict the parts where we are about to be shocked. But quite alright lor.. maybe next time i should bring apple to a cinema nearby where it's really less crowded... or maybe coz it was a sunday? hmmm... maybe next sunday... next sat i'll be doing guard duty so i can only come out on sunday. sad eh? LL suck thumb ah... :P
   The past week has been nothing much actually. but as usual lotsa push ups and lotsa abs training ah... lotsa pull up training too... i dread the caterpillar push up coz it realli is veri unhygenic. i hate it.. prasad is back n lotsa ppl are avoiding my bunk now.. haha.. he sure is not highly thought of.. haha.. slacker.. noisy to boot. oh ya, i juz finish my week as platoon IC too.. i didn't think much of it. seems pretty easy lor.. a bit more responsibility placed on me seemed better for me anyway. giving commands was easy too..
   platoon sergeant say he wants a new bike rebro guy to replace prasad who failed his course. the able ppl remains as me, eeping, choon yi.. the rest claim that they dunno how to ride bike even. however, i've stated that i dun want a bike license. i dun wanna drive a bike.. apple thinks it's dangerous n i ain't wanna do something considered dangerous by her... at least limit it to very seldom lah...
   i'm worried about the coming week's ippt test. we've done too little running of late. i'm afraid i won't be able to run below 9 min 44 seconds. my SBJ still sucks. super inconsistent. my personal best being 239cm. but that was way back before i was enlisted. since then i've been hitting 234 max in one guards. my chinups should hv improved. but i'm not sonfident of that either. the extra pumping had allowed me to do 10 chinups during 1 of the chinup regimes of the week. i did it oni once. could i repeat my feat? haha.. hopefully... i wanna get gold. i want it so much... my preeeciioooooussss..... *kekekekeke :D
Bean blubbered at [19:57]
Sunday, March 21, 2004
   No time to write. hmm... went over to jm's after watching the movie, The Eye 2. Not scary la.. we guys could predict the parts where we are about to be shocked. But quite alright lor.. maybe next time i should bring apple to a cinema nearby where it's really less crowded... or maybe coz it was a sunday? hmmm... maybe next sunday... next sat i'll be doing guard duty so i can only come out on sunday. sad eh? LL suck thumb ah... :P
   The past week has been nothing much actually. but as usual lotsa push ups and lotsa abs training ah... lotsa pull up training too... i dread the caterpillar push up coz it realli is veri unhygenic. i hate it.. prasad is back n lotsa ppl are avoiding my bunk now.. haha.. he sure is not highly thought of.. haha.. slacker.. noisy to boot. oh ya, i juz finish my week as platoon IC too.. i didn't think much of it. seems pretty easy lor.. a bit more responsibility placed on me seemed better for me anyway. giving commands was easy too..
   platoon sergeant say he wants a new bike rebro guy to replace prasad who failed his course. the able ppl remains as me, eeping, choon yi.. the rest claim that they dunno how to ride bike even. however, i've stated that i dun want a bike license. i dun wanna drive a bike.. apple thinks it's dangerous n i ain't wanna do something considered dangerous by her... at least limit it to very seldom lah...
   i'm worried about the coming week's ippt test. we've done too little running of late. i'm afraid i won't be able to run below 9 min 44 seconds. my SBJ still sucks. super inconsistent. my personal best being 239cm. but that was way back before i was enlisted. since then i've been hitting 234 max in one guards. my chinups should hv improved. but i'm not sonfident of that either. the extra pumping had allowed me to do 10 chinups during 1 of the chinup regimes of the week. i did it oni once. could i repeat my feat? haha.. hopefully... i wanna get gold. i want it so much... my preeeciioooooussss..... *kekekekeke :D