Saturday, January 17, 2004
   oh i'm guilty again... but i guess i can push it all the fault of my pc!! the HDD is giving me problems again!! Fish!! the feeling of waiting all week to use the pc n it had to break down right in front of me at my precious weekend... arrggghhhh.... adding salt to injury was the fact that my dad din understand that it was all his n michelle's fault n not mine!!! i haven been using the pc for a week. how could it be me? i retorted that if a person who was murdered by another died in front me then does it mean that i'm the killer? the disappointment of not being able to use the pc was already in itself bad enuff but for him to say that the pc died in front of me which implied that i was responsible was too much to take!! <<<< above is the update for the last saturday.
   last sunday was not as good too.. went to kallang netball centre to watch a tournament. it rained. ecks.. went there n got drenched n wasn't able to catch my "fren" play netball at all.. then got cheated n ended up at her place. when her brother is around!! arrggghhhh... i din wanna meet my loong lost relatives... but LL had to enter since i was already at her doorstep. tried to fix the sound system bug on the tv card of the pc but couldn't... anyone care to help? played ps2 with her but found it realli uncomfortable coz though it was the first time i'm playing the street fighter dunno what version n fifa v(dunno what too...), i still beat her flat.. urks.. i was a lil' embarassed lor... but nonetheless, i'm glad i met up with my childhood fren cum aunt!!
   the weekdays in camp that followed as platoon IC was intriguing... i did a good job of getting them to wake up n fall in on time almost everytime... but we were "unluckily" complained by superiors.. monday morning. we fell in at 0600h n were reprimanded. coz that sgt said that we were supposed to fall in at 0545h. however, the previous week was fell in at 0600h everyday n it was okay. they changed without informing n turned around to scold us..
   tuesday we were on time at 0545h. we had our radio exercise. we did it well was praised by CC n got a nights off! it was initially to be from 1900h to 2300h. but we were complained by a senior warrant officer who spotted us booking out in an not-so-orderly form. thus while my group of frens were on our way to orchard in a cab, we got news that we were punished by having our nights out shortened to 2100h. by the time we got on the table, it was already 2000h. unluckily, we also got caught in a jam en route. the journey back was worse... we waited half an hour for the cab on orchard road.. it got late by abt 30 minutes too... nwe severely scolded n punished with night marching drills, push-ups & crunches!!!
   wednesday started off bad too... our area cleaning was scolded for.. thursday was okay for most of the day until at night when me n a few others who played soccer at the lobby n was caught by a sgt. he complained to sgt vincent n he smsed our course IC this sms... "tell those f***ers to stop playing n go back n sleep now!!" upon getting caught by the sgt, we promptly bathed n went back to bunk.. me n bryan was still awake after lights out timing still coz we were a lil' hot n unable to sleep. so we sat under the fan n read newspaper as we chit-chat. sgt vincent came up n scolded us. he had juz came back from his own nights out as we could see from his CV attire.
   friday was radio exercise 2. it started well as we had put up a hilarious number which i had rewritten the lyrics to the tune of the popular chinese song entitled "Xiao Wei". CC was quite satisfied, sgt was smiling coz ithe lyrics were meaningful n praised him.. the OC was quite happy with it as well... then we set off... upon reaching our detachment site, we relaxed coz we ain't no longer in the watchful eyes of our sgts n CC or other commanders. we took off our sbo, helmet... my detachment had a good time realli.. after setting the 3 antennas, we had lotsa time to spare.. we even had the luxury of eating canteen food from a factory canteen nearby instead of having to eat the combat rations. there was a toilet nearby, good food n drinks, sea breeze, good shade, good reception for our transmitting n receiving on our radio sets & no one to supervise us.. naturally we relaxed more n more... however it soon changed. i should hv thought of it as too good to be true..
   apparently, hongyu, my buddy, was hit on the head by a halyard he threw on the forehead n was sent to hospital. he was given mc for 3 dayz... this "accident" prompted an inspection. the oc went down together with another officer to take a look at hongyu at tan tock seng hospital. he probably told some officers n spot check the rest of us. as our platoon was split into different detachment n allocated different locations, we din noe abt hongyu's incident until it was too late. a two bar came to my area n caught us all "un-S.B.O-ed"... 2 were sleeping, 1 had just opened a pack of twisties n was abt to eat them, i was manning comms clean-fatigued n the detachment ic was holding a roll of toilet paper. he had juz come back from the toilet apparently. we got F***ed obviously. when we got back we were F***ed again... by CC then our usual nights out after exercise were not granted too.. thus forcing us to eat cup noodles, biscuits or combat rations as dinner in bunk. i ate only some titbits n biscuits with milo. saturday bunk 1 was caught lazing in bed during area cleaning hours by csm n that prompted a stand-by-bed. we were terrified...though we managed to pass the requirement for area cleaning, we fell in late again for booking out. n was punished accordingly..
   so it was realli an eventful week eh? haiz... another saturday wasted at home. i should hv gone out for a walk.. but i took a nap at home then had to go to ah ma house for reunion dinner. my pc still gives the problems. it juz cannot start up. i'm using this lousy com in my living room now n the monitor keeps blurring out on me upon using it for too long... i hate it!! at least my week as platoon ic is over! heh... i enjoyed certain parts of it though.. the command n control... heh... ok now to go for the steamboat reunion dinner!! byeee.... *editted on 22/01/04 to correct the mistakes caused by the blur monitor...