Saturday, January 24, 2004
   my night was certainly much better. at least i enjoyed myself.. heh.. initially we, as in me + kp + jm + jonas + chai xiong + darren, intended to catch a movie. however, at the last minute kp changed his mind n doesn't want to watch. coz we couldn't get the movie that we wanted. so they suggested going to a sushi place to eat.
   so off we go to the sushi place. i was realli disappointed as i hadn't thought much of a sushi meal. when we left, we went to pay up. we ate 18 dishes plus drinks. however, due to some error/mistake by the staff, we were charged only 10 dishes.. maybe it's the waitress' handwriting. but we found it rather legible... hmmm.. nonetheless, we "siam" that area quickly juz in case they realised.
   brilliant suggestion by kp to go to k box! this is my first time going to k box though i've loong heard of it. the place ain't too bad lah. but the room had cigarette smoke in it. not as in can see the smoke lah but the stench i couldn't stand. they should hv reventilate the room before letting in another customer. :(
   And so we sang we shouted n we screeched our voice box. heh...n it was indeed fun! my new year had brightened up.. meanwhile i continued my learning curve in drinking beer. i drank 2 and a half cup. heh.. somehow it's causing me to burp quite often n i have to be careful as not to burp into the microphone. n also the frequent visits to the toilets caused in part by the beer n also the freezing temperature.
   after maxing out our voicebox, we went long john silver to have some food. heh... where we had a chat till they close shop. then kp, jonas, n chai xiong went on their northeast line mrt to jonas' house for mj. you know, sometimes i think i realli hate mj. coz it's occupying a lot of my 2-3 frens' time. i think the time would be better spent with frens chit-chatting n shopping, n yes, singing... dn went home to woodlans/marsiling area n jm was persuaded by me to spend the night at my place.
   dad ain't around. the house is entirely mine. he went back to kelantan with the auntie. they had left 2 big ang pows though... jm n i proceeded to play nintendo.. haha.. we completed a soccer game. then wanted to complete playing super mario brothers 3. we were at world 6 when suddenly the machine hang on us. it's the first time i've seen my nintendo hang on me. haha.. i declared bed time ! jm was hungry so i offered cup noodles. we ate one each n played somemore nintendo. then we went to bed.
   now, i'm awake n ready to meet my dearest. i realli hope i can make her happy today. may i come back tonite with a satisfied, happy n enjoyable experience to remember. meeting her at 1030h so i betta hurry up... ciaoz dudes & babes !! (,")
Bean blubbered at [09:51]
Saturday, January 24, 2004
   my night was certainly much better. at least i enjoyed myself.. heh.. initially we, as in me + kp + jm + jonas + chai xiong + darren, intended to catch a movie. however, at the last minute kp changed his mind n doesn't want to watch. coz we couldn't get the movie that we wanted. so they suggested going to a sushi place to eat.
   so off we go to the sushi place. i was realli disappointed as i hadn't thought much of a sushi meal. when we left, we went to pay up. we ate 18 dishes plus drinks. however, due to some error/mistake by the staff, we were charged only 10 dishes.. maybe it's the waitress' handwriting. but we found it rather legible... hmmm.. nonetheless, we "siam" that area quickly juz in case they realised.
   brilliant suggestion by kp to go to k box! this is my first time going to k box though i've loong heard of it. the place ain't too bad lah. but the room had cigarette smoke in it. not as in can see the smoke lah but the stench i couldn't stand. they should hv reventilate the room before letting in another customer. :(
   And so we sang we shouted n we screeched our voice box. heh...n it was indeed fun! my new year had brightened up.. meanwhile i continued my learning curve in drinking beer. i drank 2 and a half cup. heh.. somehow it's causing me to burp quite often n i have to be careful as not to burp into the microphone. n also the frequent visits to the toilets caused in part by the beer n also the freezing temperature.
   after maxing out our voicebox, we went long john silver to have some food. heh... where we had a chat till they close shop. then kp, jonas, n chai xiong went on their northeast line mrt to jonas' house for mj. you know, sometimes i think i realli hate mj. coz it's occupying a lot of my 2-3 frens' time. i think the time would be better spent with frens chit-chatting n shopping, n yes, singing... dn went home to woodlans/marsiling area n jm was persuaded by me to spend the night at my place.
   dad ain't around. the house is entirely mine. he went back to kelantan with the auntie. they had left 2 big ang pows though... jm n i proceeded to play nintendo.. haha.. we completed a soccer game. then wanted to complete playing super mario brothers 3. we were at world 6 when suddenly the machine hang on us. it's the first time i've seen my nintendo hang on me. haha.. i declared bed time ! jm was hungry so i offered cup noodles. we ate one each n played somemore nintendo. then we went to bed.
   now, i'm awake n ready to meet my dearest. i realli hope i can make her happy today. may i come back tonite with a satisfied, happy n enjoyable experience to remember. meeting her at 1030h so i betta hurry up... ciaoz dudes & babes !! (,")