Ladies & Gentlemen !! Please rise from your seats to welcome the diplomat with the new 80 GB HDD !! haaa.. juz joking... finally i can online n blog.. it's not gonna be long before i hv to be enlisted n i'll be gone again... (enlisted lah not die. choy choy choy...) i have a new OS too... it's Microsoft XP Professional. i've been too many complains of Win98 to install it again.. n furthermore... XP allows less installation as several stuff such as WinZip, Media Player are already packaged together.
   there was only one big flaw.. n i din noe it until i had installed Win98 & Win XP twice each... somehow or rather, there was a virus/worm by the name of MSBlaster.. it keeps on making my PC reboot. it's like they say there has been some error n only 1 minute is allowed before the PC reboots. i finally got rid of the problem after i consulted a singnet broadband technician by the name of Patrick. i have to say thanks here..
   oh.. finally i've graduated. now i'm going into army. hope i can withstand the rigours in there.. i hate the sharing of bathrooms to bath... i find it a disgrace.. they shouldn't force ppl to do things against their will. especially when it has to do with one's sexual privacy... i hate it i hate it i hate it.... arrrgggghhhhh..... i'll go the extra mile to bath alone... trust me.. be it waking up an hour before whatsoever...
   my room's a mess now.. i gotta clean up, install all the stuff back into my new HDD n oso transfer my data from my previous HDD into this new one.. n i gotta get brackets for my HDD.. tomolo we're going queensway to shop... i wanna get a belt, kelvo wants to go window shopping, n jm wants a bag.. yeah... n one more thing.. i'm down... not in spirits but in health.. i fell ill.. i had this tremendous amount of phlem in my throat of whereever that is n i keep feeling so so tired at around 1900h... maybe today i'm betta.. i haven felt as tired as last night n i realli dun wanna be fit only to see all my pals enlisted leaving me alone in my room. haiz... sometimes i do like to whine n pine... ok...that's all for now...
Bean blubbered at [17:34]
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
   Ladies & Gentlemen !! Please rise from your seats to welcome the diplomat with the new 80 GB HDD !! haaa.. juz joking... finally i can online n blog.. it's not gonna be long before i hv to be enlisted n i'll be gone again... (enlisted lah not die. choy choy choy...) i have a new OS too... it's Microsoft XP Professional. i've been too many complains of Win98 to install it again.. n furthermore... XP allows less installation as several stuff such as WinZip, Media Player are already packaged together.
   there was only one big flaw.. n i din noe it until i had installed Win98 & Win XP twice each... somehow or rather, there was a virus/worm by the name of MSBlaster.. it keeps on making my PC reboot. it's like they say there has been some error n only 1 minute is allowed before the PC reboots. i finally got rid of the problem after i consulted a singnet broadband technician by the name of Patrick. i have to say thanks here..
   oh.. finally i've graduated. now i'm going into army. hope i can withstand the rigours in there.. i hate the sharing of bathrooms to bath... i find it a disgrace.. they shouldn't force ppl to do things against their will. especially when it has to do with one's sexual privacy... i hate it i hate it i hate it.... arrrgggghhhhh..... i'll go the extra mile to bath alone... trust me.. be it waking up an hour before whatsoever...
   my room's a mess now.. i gotta clean up, install all the stuff back into my new HDD n oso transfer my data from my previous HDD into this new one.. n i gotta get brackets for my HDD.. tomolo we're going queensway to shop... i wanna get a belt, kelvo wants to go window shopping, n jm wants a bag.. yeah... n one more thing.. i'm down... not in spirits but in health.. i fell ill.. i had this tremendous amount of phlem in my throat of whereever that is n i keep feeling so so tired at around 1900h... maybe today i'm betta.. i haven felt as tired as last night n i realli dun wanna be fit only to see all my pals enlisted leaving me alone in my room. haiz... sometimes i do like to whine n pine... ok...that's all for now...