Wednesday, April 23, 2003
   Whoa!! it's been a tiring day... luckily i did managed to steal 40 winks now n then while apple was watching "Shang Hai Knights"... nope... not at the movies... i dl-ed it FOC from KaZaA.... it's not like say the cinema is better in terms of facility realli... the cinema has no bed to lie on, no privacy to snore or hv ur hp ringing and absolutely no bowl noodles to hv for lunch !! haaa... ok... dat'z the good part abt unlimited broadband...
   So, last night was a lil' hectic as i din sleep until quite late... say... 0345h + 2hrs of full time plus breaktime + 30 mins of extra time = 0615h? well... lack of sleep makes me groggy... n i definitely felt it when i woke up... i almost stepped on poor dav... he probably din sleep too well too.. from the thinking of his unfinished mm report to his undone mm project... off to brushup then...
   ok so i had fried bee hoon for breakfast together with one of my personal favs... You Tiao... haa... dough stix for ang maos who venture here... with coffee... the market wasn't so crowded by any standards... u should try going there on a sunday or a satuday.. difference of heaven n earth i would say... the dough stix stall-owner was wearing a SARS-prevention mask... is that a MUST? EXAGGERATING !!!
   went to school to take a Database Common Test at m323... well, for all non-nyp students maybe u still dunno of a thing call NAX... it's a program in every single pc in school so that u can check out on ur latest news or announcements sent by lecturers etc... it's powerful enuff to track the location of the student who logged in as that admin number n which com he/she is at... well... n of coz it can be used to conduct quizzes n tests... that's what i'm there for... darnz... think i did okay though...
   Ran away from project group meeting coz was feeling groggy n tired... apple left her hp at my place too... haiz... i made auddy cry... oh how could i? hmmm.. she's always stressed up over these things... girls.... she should hv juz relaxed coz we hv everything under control lor... oni a few more slides to touch up on... i'm sorry for what i've done though... hope it won't be awkward when i meet up with her tomolo for presentation...
   Abt blogs being an open diary... hmmm.. it is an open diary... but who cares... it's realli a good place to vent out ur frustrations some times... n it'll seem realli kinda retrospective when u do go back to ur archives to read back abt ur past... haa... sometimes i do that... n more often than not i do laugh at myself... haha... tonite i'll be doing up my java quiz project then finsih amending my flash n complete my flash report... hmmm... sounds like a lot of work man... ok... gtg eat at ah ma place... so cyaZ..... by the end of tomolo, i'll be almost all projects down... time to relax... Cheers... =)
Bean blubbered at [19:41]
Wednesday, April 23, 2003
   Whoa!! it's been a tiring day... luckily i did managed to steal 40 winks now n then while apple was watching "Shang Hai Knights"... nope... not at the movies... i dl-ed it FOC from KaZaA.... it's not like say the cinema is better in terms of facility realli... the cinema has no bed to lie on, no privacy to snore or hv ur hp ringing and absolutely no bowl noodles to hv for lunch !! haaa... ok... dat'z the good part abt unlimited broadband...
   So, last night was a lil' hectic as i din sleep until quite late... say... 0345h + 2hrs of full time plus breaktime + 30 mins of extra time = 0615h? well... lack of sleep makes me groggy... n i definitely felt it when i woke up... i almost stepped on poor dav... he probably din sleep too well too.. from the thinking of his unfinished mm report to his undone mm project... off to brushup then...
   ok so i had fried bee hoon for breakfast together with one of my personal favs... You Tiao... haa... dough stix for ang maos who venture here... with coffee... the market wasn't so crowded by any standards... u should try going there on a sunday or a satuday.. difference of heaven n earth i would say... the dough stix stall-owner was wearing a SARS-prevention mask... is that a MUST? EXAGGERATING !!!
   went to school to take a Database Common Test at m323... well, for all non-nyp students maybe u still dunno of a thing call NAX... it's a program in every single pc in school so that u can check out on ur latest news or announcements sent by lecturers etc... it's powerful enuff to track the location of the student who logged in as that admin number n which com he/she is at... well... n of coz it can be used to conduct quizzes n tests... that's what i'm there for... darnz... think i did okay though...
   Ran away from project group meeting coz was feeling groggy n tired... apple left her hp at my place too... haiz... i made auddy cry... oh how could i? hmmm.. she's always stressed up over these things... girls.... she should hv juz relaxed coz we hv everything under control lor... oni a few more slides to touch up on... i'm sorry for what i've done though... hope it won't be awkward when i meet up with her tomolo for presentation...
   Abt blogs being an open diary... hmmm.. it is an open diary... but who cares... it's realli a good place to vent out ur frustrations some times... n it'll seem realli kinda retrospective when u do go back to ur archives to read back abt ur past... haa... sometimes i do that... n more often than not i do laugh at myself... haha... tonite i'll be doing up my java quiz project then finsih amending my flash n complete my flash report... hmmm... sounds like a lot of work man... ok... gtg eat at ah ma place... so cyaZ..... by the end of tomolo, i'll be almost all projects down... time to relax... Cheers... =)