Monday, December 09, 2002
== Sunday Post ==
    Woken up at 10pm by my hp... ate bread with eggs and ham as my heavy breakfast... coffee as usual... reached bugis seiyu at 1217h... found lotsa stock missing n in a big mess... i din come yesterday then so messy liao... hmmm.... must be a lot of ppl come... went on to replenish stock as best as i could...
    Informed by sms that they coming to play pool... hmm... another day of snake eating? hmmm a little scared of thomas catching me especially after feigning ill on saturday.... hmmm.... joined gary n dn for lunch... scissors cut curry rice again... boring? well, dat's us guys! always carry on doing the same old things we loved... they left me to head towards selegie complex... hmm... i wished i could go... but i afraid... hmmm.... maybe later...
    Frustrated by the crowd constantly messing up my goods... bloody shit... having a little headache liao u see... feeling veri bored n regretted not joining them for pool just now... hmmm... then i sms them to inform them i join them after dinner... a million years finally went by n it was 1745h... they wanna meet me for dinner too... wow!! good... then ate at the market beside fu lu shou building... Self-serviced char siew rice for me... booo.... after dinner they want to go home liao... then i go back to work....
    Went back to pack my counter... Found a FAT purse... hmmm... immediately the dilemma of whether to take the money struck me... i am realli running low on cash these days due to the late issuing of my pay from the 20th of nov the 30th of nov... hmmm.... i dunno y but i refused to even take a look into the purse... i grabbed it and went straight to the lost n found counter... reported it and felt just as lousy my mood... even worse maybe... regretting a little my decision which came from my kind hearted side of me... also wished that at least ppl noe that i did a good deed... hmmm... i'm not that pure... maybe the recognition of my good deed will allow me to encourage myself into doing the same the next time or at least make me less regretful... i knew i made the morally right decision though...
    bored n moody the whole day... it's so funny... it's like i hv PMS... haa... y i moody oso i dunno... songzhe asked for a loan of ten bucks from me on the way home... i embaressedly told him i dun hv... haiz... if only i took the purse... i would be able to lend him... at raffles place mrt, i went out of the way to help a indian/black guy find his way to the mrt to board for tampines... missed my train coz of him... hmmm... another good deed? hope so...
    enjoyed the snuggly hugs by my dear on the way home... hmmm... so warm so happy... after fetching dear home, i met kp to watch soccer at the coffee shop... i ordered cutlet to eat while kp ordered fried noodles after the fried kway teow is sold out... then at around 1.15am we went home... he stayed overnight at my place... all the while i was worrying abt my cash flow... i oni had 2 bucks on me after the meal...
    started a new cm game... took monaco... i won the first game 1-0... he won one game 4-3(metz) and another he lost 3-1(bordeux)... i fell asleep before witnessing any goals in the metz game... haaa.... good nitez...
Bean blubbered at [01:55]
Monday, December 09, 2002
== Sunday Post ==
    Woken up at 10pm by my hp... ate bread with eggs and ham as my heavy breakfast... coffee as usual... reached bugis seiyu at 1217h... found lotsa stock missing n in a big mess... i din come yesterday then so messy liao... hmmm.... must be a lot of ppl come... went on to replenish stock as best as i could...
    Informed by sms that they coming to play pool... hmm... another day of snake eating? hmmm a little scared of thomas catching me especially after feigning ill on saturday.... hmmm.... joined gary n dn for lunch... scissors cut curry rice again... boring? well, dat's us guys! always carry on doing the same old things we loved... they left me to head towards selegie complex... hmm... i wished i could go... but i afraid... hmmm.... maybe later...
    Frustrated by the crowd constantly messing up my goods... bloody shit... having a little headache liao u see... feeling veri bored n regretted not joining them for pool just now... hmmm... then i sms them to inform them i join them after dinner... a million years finally went by n it was 1745h... they wanna meet me for dinner too... wow!! good... then ate at the market beside fu lu shou building... Self-serviced char siew rice for me... booo.... after dinner they want to go home liao... then i go back to work....
    Went back to pack my counter... Found a FAT purse... hmmm... immediately the dilemma of whether to take the money struck me... i am realli running low on cash these days due to the late issuing of my pay from the 20th of nov the 30th of nov... hmmm.... i dunno y but i refused to even take a look into the purse... i grabbed it and went straight to the lost n found counter... reported it and felt just as lousy my mood... even worse maybe... regretting a little my decision which came from my kind hearted side of me... also wished that at least ppl noe that i did a good deed... hmmm... i'm not that pure... maybe the recognition of my good deed will allow me to encourage myself into doing the same the next time or at least make me less regretful... i knew i made the morally right decision though...
    bored n moody the whole day... it's so funny... it's like i hv PMS... haa... y i moody oso i dunno... songzhe asked for a loan of ten bucks from me on the way home... i embaressedly told him i dun hv... haiz... if only i took the purse... i would be able to lend him... at raffles place mrt, i went out of the way to help a indian/black guy find his way to the mrt to board for tampines... missed my train coz of him... hmmm... another good deed? hope so...
    enjoyed the snuggly hugs by my dear on the way home... hmmm... so warm so happy... after fetching dear home, i met kp to watch soccer at the coffee shop... i ordered cutlet to eat while kp ordered fried noodles after the fried kway teow is sold out... then at around 1.15am we went home... he stayed overnight at my place... all the while i was worrying abt my cash flow... i oni had 2 bucks on me after the meal...
    started a new cm game... took monaco... i won the first game 1-0... he won one game 4-3(metz) and another he lost 3-1(bordeux)... i fell asleep before witnessing any goals in the metz game... haaa.... good nitez...