Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Spring cleaning recently.. redisplaying and repacking some of my stuff after discarding an old display cupboard. wiping the dust off some of my display items gave me an idea.. gave it a thought and started gathering the materials for the next week whenever i happen to be out.. wiping the dust off some of my display items gave me an idea.. procrastinated on the final step of actually doing it till last night..Started with measuring here and there, making notes of measurement, then lay the scotch tape for alignment purposes. Lastly, draw the lines onto the green rubber mat with a white marker using the tape layed on earlier as a guide and Presto! a miniature soccer field.. =PLabels: Art n Craft
Bean blubbered at [18:41]
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Took an x-ray today and experienced for myself the whole process from registration to payment of medication & consultation.. all in all, i felt it was quite a breeze and the overall waiting was acceptable in my opinion. My experience is, of course, one of a patient in no excessive pain while waiting and aptly entertained by iPhone's news applications iToday & StraitsTimes as well as games I'd downloaded..
The day started off with a visit to the S.M.I.L.E zone of the AMK Polyclinic, where you can take a preview of the crowd via the web cam. This is all very cool other than the number of registered patients which scared me quite a bit.. Seeing 183 ppl in front of you is quite daunting afterall.. (but trust me that it's a pretty small crowd if it's below 200 ppl.)
using a touch screen machine to register n get a number was easy breezy for someone like me comfortable around computers and machines. That said, two attendants were standing beside the 3 registration machines ready to assist with the process if necessary.
got a ticket number, 2503. was told that they'll be closing for lunch soon and to come back an hour later at 1330h to doctor consultation. I took the advice and went window shopping at AMK Hub gleefully. lol.. Got back to the polyclinic earlier at around 1315h and waited about 30 minutes to see the doctor. The air conditioning was surprisingly uncomfortably cold..(I was wearing a tee and a bermudas with sandals.)
Just i got back from a toilet leak and got a 60-cents hot cuppa milo from the dispenser machine, I see my number on the doctor's door. Ooops.. i walked in holding my cuppa coffee.. the consultation was short. about 5 mins or less. after hearing me out, the doctor told me that I could go for an X-ray in another room. Yes.. another queue awaits..
It was pretty fast though.. after a wait of 5 to 10 minutes max.. i was hoofing off my bermudas & top(nope! i did not get lucky with some hot nurse.. =_=") and insecurely clasping on to a blue hospital robe. i was told to get on the table which i figured was used to take my x-ray. The tie strings of the robe was pretty much useless.. coz it left a big gap down the middle. :S
After two quick snaps, I was told to come back in an hour for the results. Off i went window shopping around AMK central... when i got back, i realised i prolly missed an earlier call for my results. There wasn't more than 3 ppl sitting in front of the x-ray rooms and when the nurse saw me sit down, she asked if i was "soong ming wei, melvyn". Lol..
i replied with an enthusiastic yupz and she told me to wait for my number at the doctor who i had consulted earlier. 5 to 10 mins was the maximum i waited for my turn for the second round of consultation. 5 mins max was all it took for the doctor to let me know of the x ray results and let me in on the medication he's gonna prescribe for me.
10 mins wait at the pharmacy to pay up n get my prescribtion and i'm done.Labels: Experience
Bean blubbered at [20:59]
it hurts me when i feel there's a problem and it's not shared with me.. i may not be able to solve your problem but just being there to hear you out might just give you the chance to let off some steam with a pointless rant. A rant to someone who understands your difficulty and be behind you in bad times or good.. you might just feel better.
once a while, i question myself with my own set of insecurities and boldly, i answered myself. i have made my choice.. took a glimpse at my goal.. and is ready to give it my best once again. for better or worse, i'll never fail for want of trying..
although, it's not easy for me to take a 'doing-nothing-might-be-better-than-trying-too-hard' approach, i will be patient coz i believe in you. i will believe in you with everything. i just hope that it's not just a big smoke screen ending with a shattering.Labels: feelings, love, Pain
Bean blubbered at [19:30]
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Watching "Oh! My Girl" the Japanese drama recommended by Lainey..
It's a story based on a brash journalist guy forcibly bestowed as the guardian of his movie-star niece and the many little things of life he learns through the experience..
There's lotsa meaningful underlying msges in the show to ponder upon and learn from..
"Working hard for the smile of your loved one is always worthwhile.."
"An appropriate slap (followed by a clearly explained kiss-&-make-up) can strengthen the bond more than a million giving-in-&-pamperings.."
Labels: feelings
Bean blubbered at [12:26]
Okay, i'm about to admit defeat to age. No more miraculous recovery overnight for me i guess.. Since soccer on Jan 1st, i've this pain on my back bone (the joint connecting my hip to my upper body). 4-5 days have since past and the pain continues to bug me whenever i sneeze or do any sudden hip movement..
Looks like a trip to the amk polyclinic tmr is inevitable.. or maybe.. just maybe.. i might recover overnight.. hmmm....
Labels: whine
Bean blubbered at [20:59]
hmmmm... one week past.. nothing's happened. thoughts and memories of yesteryears flash by and i feel neglected. yet, i understand that whatever's happened is probably expected and normal considering the new status. i can only look to learn faster..
trying to care can be easily perceived as being pokey.. being bothersome. as has always been the case when my dad nags at me.. maybe it's my retribution. ah well, on my part, i can only hope to lead a self-contented life.. whatever will be, will be... no matter how much u want something.. sometimes things just cant be pushed too much..
it's times like these when i'm troubled, that i feel a spiritual being like a HIM that's always listening in to my thoughts.. always wishing me the best.. pushing me on..
am i seeking an occupied position or a falsely-perceived unnecessary role?
i dun wanna wait n thrive on if it's an occupied position..
but i dunno if i will ever know.. what is my direction?
without making a decision, i cant move on..
Sometimes choosing to be patient and not move for the time being is the best way forward..
All these thoughts are like trying to move two steps forward n ending up on the same spot.. i did some spring cleaning recently and re-read a couple of old hand written letters.. the ugly scribbly handwriting of mine rejuvenated my memory of a dream i realli realli wanna realise.. when can the dimple reunite with zhenzhuling?Labels: feelings, love, Pain
Bean blubbered at [20:59]
i'm developing a phobia.. haiz...
:`(Labels: feelings, love, Pain
Bean blubbered at [22:50]
Soccer after insufficient rest the night before proved unwise. Back hurts as hell whenever I sneeze, cough, or bend my back the slightest.. Ie.. brushing my teeth, picking up stuff from the floor, any form of transitions from sitting to standing to lying down or vice versa versa vicey... :P
Argh.. age catching up i guess..Labels: whine
Bean blubbered at [07:44]