Tuesday, December 04, 2007
So,... since school ended and a whirlwind of events ended up in me submitting the last assignment 2 days before my flight back to singapore, i haven't been online on msn for more than 5 minutes. i'm so sorry for anyone who has missed me on msn. i was so mentally drenched. i just had to afford this inpromptu hiatus from msn.
i've been online everyday for the past 2 semester while school laboured me dry that once i got back,.. all i wanna do is be with some nice company and have good yummy singaporean food. not being under no obvious pressure to find work or do anything creative/labourious by opening up photoshop or flash HELPS LOTS.. LOLZ...
i dun particularly crave to do anything.. i just like to be in good company.. it still stands for me that it's not what i do that i find myself enjoying the most. it all depends on the company i have.. a simple wanton mee at a nearby coffeeshop and a simple chitchat with a buddy is realli nice. i absolutely love wantan mee.. i ate it for like the whole first week i was back in singapore.
sometimes i lie on my bed during lunch time and try to think up places i could visit while i am back for my holidays.. but.. i dun realli look forward to going anywhere with the place in mind. it's all about the company.. and i have to say,... increasingly,.. the food.. lolz..
singapore is such a good foodie heaven.. when the guys cant think of anything to do on a weekday evening and someone suggested a movie at yishun golden village, i think NOT of the movie to watch.. what's in my mind was the mushroom swiss i would order at the BK there.. lolzz.. gluttony is a sin. yes. but... denial of enjoyment is a bigger sin to me.. life is there to be enjoyed.. so enjoy it while it lasts..
casuarina prata. checked. wantan mee. checked. fishball noodle. checked. nasi lemak. mushroom swiss burger. mos burger. hmmmm.... *salivate*
ok, after all the food gawking... back to the topic i have in mind to talk about.. i was thinking i love to whine.. why? coz it takes my mind off things. i get to think thru or say it all out. all the things happening in my life which i dun particularly fancy etc etc.. but then as i whine n complain, i do tend not to ask for answers.. i believe i hv the answer within alredi.
it's like many-a-time in life.. we complain about our life.. how imperfect it is.. why do we hv to do this errand for mum etc etc.. i think subconciously we think that we dun hv a choice. but we're not. life is made up of plenty of choices. what kind of person we realli are is dependant on the kind of choices we choose to make. for example, u r realli bushed out with work. u dun get enuff sleep which u feel u need, u dun hv enuff spare time for ur own, rushing here n there for the sake of ur job, for family members etc etc..
but do we hv a choice? yes, we do. but we hv chosen our lifestyle subconscious or not.. we do errands for parents coz we love them or feel it's in our part to do things like these which they like.. they may simply just like ur company doing nothing while u hv chosen to see it as a waste of time. but.. u still do it.. coz u noe they like that to happen and if u dun do it, they might grumble.. so the filial child in you emerge n makes the choice for u.
u might whine inside you to feel that u have done ur part keeping a shared place clean while others haven't been as diligent. u feel unjust sometimes for hving to do something extra.. having to keep the place clean means more responsibility and hard work.
u silently bad mouthed the other party who hasnt done their part. but what eventually counts is that u continue to keep doing the things u would do. and not be affected by the actions of others. coz it's this little choices u make in life that make the person u r... obviously, people will notice that u r a responsible person who makes the extra effort while some others have been just plain lazy..
that's what makes who u realli are.. the choice to sacrifice yourself (although sometimes unknowingly) for the sake of others.