Saturday, September 29, 2007
Some 5 4 3 facts for the day:
- u cant stop thinking abt something u tell urself not to think about..
- it's a fine line between concern and naggy.
- waiting is hard.
- singtel shouldn't charge for overseas incoming calls.
- when 2 workers contribute to building a goal, the faster one will inevitably do more work.
- uncertainty is the mother of butterflies.
- the more u give, the more the other take.
- the less u give, the more possible the other has the opportunity to give.
- some ppl just love writing rubbish when they should be doing work.
Bean blubbered at [00:13]
Friday, September 21, 2007
Just 6 (of many) Reasons why i hate my housemates..
Above: Toothpaste stains & Dirty pot bottom.
Housemate brushes teeth at the kitchen sink and leave many toothpaste stains around the sink.
Housemate uses the shared pot but washes it half-heartedly leaving it greasy and dirty.
Irritation level: 1 star out of 5 stars.
Above: Dirty sponge & Dirty Washed Utensils.
Housemate washes his dirty pan leaving lotsa crumps, dirt on the sponge.
Sometimes, I unknowingly used it and ended up greasing my hands and turning my white bowl into a brown bowl..
Housemate uses the shared utensil but washes it half-heartedly leaving it obvious stains of whatever he cooked. No wonder my food tastes bad at times.
Irritation level: 3 stars out of 5 stars.
Above: Shared utensils used but couldn't-be-bothered to clean up.
Housemate uses rice cooker. Lid is left unwashed every single time. Whenever I want to use, I'll have to wash it first.
Housemate has poor estimation of water level and milky rice liquid spills over but he couldn't be bothered to clean up the stain left on the table. Milky rice
liquid left alone for more than a week to dry into a stain.
Irritation level: 5 stars out of 5 stars.
Bean blubbered at [16:19]
Belated Update: Last Saturday(9/15/07)
Went to Manifest 2007 held at Melbourne University about 10 mins walk from my place. Manifest stands for Melbourne ANIme FESTival(MANIFEST). In the midst of an extremely busy semester and heaps of assignment piling on top of us, the four of us (TJ, Sam, Elaine, & I) actually spared time to go queue up for the entry pass(below left) on friday afternoon and then spent the whole of saturday at the manifest. We were also given a booklet introducing us to all the event timings and venues.I was interested in going coz i realli would love to go out more with my classmates here. I haven been exploring Melbourne much due to the bone-crushing amount of workload placed on us.. Moreover, i've never been to any form of a cosplay event before and i sure ain't disappointed with the eyeful of anime-characters-come-to-life. That's a group of characters from Naruto we met.Melbourne Uni has much nice places to take photos in.. with gardens, trees, corridors of gothic buildings and the lighting that day was great. Melbourne is a really great place for photo taking when it ain't too cloudy or raining.
In one of the gardens, we found Evil Alice carrying a knife! with blood on her
apron! *gasp*That's a guy(below) in Final Fantasy. I'm not so sure who he is but he carries a rifle all day and poses for many pictures for us and other camera wielding fans.
and yes.. that is sam who has to pop his head into my pic.Above is a cosplay of the mummies found in the silent hill game. They were my favourites cosplay team. For the sheer hassle of hving to breathe thru the bandage, the way they limbed all the way in their movement and the fact that they really caught my eye as i was walking down the stairs along the aisle of where all the contestants were seated. They gave me a shock coz i didnt notice their bandaged head at the time. their costume was subtle to a point yet stunning.Below: Two members of the Akatsuki in Naruto (left) and some ppl/characters i dunno (right)..Below: In the lecture theatre during the cosplay competition.Below: (Left) Cosplay chess with several characters like Naruto there in
orange. (Right) Some other characters I am not familiar with.Below(left) is TJ, Garra(from Naruto) and me. his eyes look real freaky. (urgh!)The 4 of us couldn't resist the nice lighting and took some photos before we
left Melbourne Uni around 7 pm.
Bean blubbered at [14:30]
got a letter in the mail sent all the way from Madrid, Spain. says i won some 500+k euros.. oh.. c'mon! i din even join any contest.. Definitely someone trying to scam me.. hmmm.. too freaking busy to care about it though. they say take what u deserve. it sure won't go wrong.
Bean blubbered at [13:37]
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
sooooo busy soooo busy.. can die.. argh.. just completed illustrating 12 tarot cards. plenty of work to follow.. hai.. i had a nightmare last night.. i dreamt that i had just finished an assignment.. then i asked my classmates for opinion and all 3 of them tell me to perhaps try redoing something else altogether. my heart sank till no tomolo.. getting too pent up too stressed up.. arrrrrrrrrghhhhh... slping 5 hrs max a day mode... tarot cards below..
Bean blubbered at [03:13]
Monday, September 17, 2007
Dug up another oooooooold photo.. that's my aunt/god-ma with me..
*update: meanwhile.. i've got 10 tarot cards designed alredi.. it's killing me to draw so much.. [link]
Bean blubbered at [03:11]
Thursday, September 13, 2007
just finished programming a simple memory game in flash. all graphics were planned to be for a tarot card web interface assignment. i chopped them up and reused them for this flash game which made me love it more..! there's 3 5 of the 12 tarot cards i am going to hv to design in the link below..[link]
Bean blubbered at [00:11]
Friday, September 07, 2007
That pic above pretty much says it all right? i hate those pathetic virus makers.. nothing else better to do.. ppl so busy liao then they still come n disturb me and waste a whole day of time and energy and patience + lotsa frustrations.. come to think of it, last semester while doing video was worst..damn u virut. easily the worst virus i met to date.. i just hv this uncanny ability to sniff out viruses and tio them the day it was released.. no solution on the net. all .exe wrecked by this virus.. i couldn't log into my user account. it'll load till the wallpaper page n stop there.. no icons no taskbar no nothing. i could log into safe mode. but i couldn't even do a basic command of copying my precious school work into the portable harddisk i had.. apparently, i believed, the "copy.exe" windows file must have been destroyed.. i went to bed wishing i could smash the virus maker in the face with a hammer!Next day i woke up i had an idea. i installed another copy of windows, then logged into an account on the second windows installed. then proceeded to backup my work before reformatting the whole pc. i had to reformat all the partitions for they've even infected the laptop built-in system restore function. i couldnt burn stuff either.. they've corrupted the exe that runs the burning program.thankfully, the fact that it oni infects .exe files gave me hope in my 2 day 1 night battle against virut. my school work is now salvaged. else i cant imagine the pain of losing all my work.. =(
Bean blubbered at [19:12]
Saturday, September 01, 2007
nightmare nightmare nightmare..
i dun dream often. sometimes i wish i just don't at all.. coz when i dream, it cost me lotsa of rest time. i slept at 6+ n woke up at 10am. slping so little.. it's going to cause me to feel tired sooner again. resulting in less work done.
pardon my jittery english here.. i'm still in semi-trauma from my nightmare. all i noe is there is my dad, me n a fren. and i just kept making him boil with rage. coz i realli hate what he was doing in my dream. so i kept criticising him in front of my fren, choosing to not criticise him directly but to go thru my fren. ie. sacarstically talking to my fren referring to him. my dad exploded in there.. somehow.. n i awoke with a traumatic feeling in me. i guess i dun realli want that to happen. hence this feeling.
dearie is off to taiwan for a tour with her family. no calls this wkend. hmmm.. the nightmare woke me up just in time though.. i gave her a call as she was enterring the gate. aww.. i miss her alredi.. but i still hope she can enjoy her holiday.. ok now.. i need some time to chill off.. not that difficult considering the cold morning i'm feeling..
Bean blubbered at [08:04]