i'll have an assignment to complete a 30-second 3D Animation. currently, making in the progress... this is my first draft for my character, Kong. it will be a very simple and short animation coz 30 seconds is not a very long time for a full blown story.
i noe drawing is not my strong point so... cut me some slack alrite? =) cheers!
front/side view:- (digitally enhanced..) Storyboards(click for larger view):-
Bean blubbered at [22:53]
It's been a frustrating weekend involving my ibanking account. they recently enforced the security dongle thingie which has a self generating password to log into my ibanking account. Security wise excellent.. However as most of my frens would know, i am in aussie studying and my mailing address is in singapore. thus to get hold my dongle password can prove a tad VERY troublesome.
visiting the ibanking page to find out more about the dongle and whether i've got one mailed to me in singapore, i noticed this weird looking photo.. which i've ignored most of the time.. it's only when i can't get log in that i get a second look at it.
I can guess their intentions of hving made this image with the lady with a fakish smile putting on 2 seat belts on to try portray a secure and safe ibanking experience but having been lock out of my own account at the moment, another image came into my brain from the same image. that is one of a kiasee kidnapped lady being tied down in the car forced to play CS (yea.. i dislike that kinda game. makes me wanan puke.) and still unable to log into the ibanking account to pay the ransom..
yepz.. that sounds like me being sore at locked out of my own bank account.
Bean blubbered at [19:41]
Thursday, July 26, 2007
I loved the Simpsons! I can't believe i've never seriously(hardly the word, ain't it? LoLz..) set down and watched it in all my years in Singapore.. oh i've discovered this cool site which SIMPSONIZED me.. Basically it's uploading a photo portrait of yourself and then pick a few accessories, choose the clothing color and here i am..
Be a part of the Simpsons family too! the link here.
Bean blubbered at [23:58]
This will be quite a random post.. Basically will have a few pictures for all to enjoy.. and some images for me to recall back on one day when i'm back in sweating sg missing the melb's cool which i'm whining about quite a lot(according to my gf).
i can see myself one day wishing there will be horses on orchard road too.. compared to these on swanston street..
victorian structures that decorated the city also fascinated me lots when i first arrived as they offer a much interesting outlook to the city then the squarish blocks of cement in singapore..
I have this fascination or admiration for these "botak" (meaning bald) trees in melbourne's winter.. i like them.. to some ppl they appear scary.. but for me, it's like a sight that i will not see in singapore much.. (unless i hv itchy fingers one day and go leaves plucking..)
the extra fluffy clouds,(loaned from heaven itself! lol) matched with the beautiful blue skies in melbourne makes photographs look nicer on its own. (unlike in sg where i often hv to photoshop to digitally enhance the blue..)
and once again i look out of my window to admire the clouds, the sky and the sunset which i'll definitely miss when i return to sg once again..
Bean blubbered at [22:19]
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
i'm awake and having brekkie now.. that's all i sleep usually anyway.. a few miserly hours..
back to school. back to basics.. and re-learning some hard facts of life i hv forgotten..
Hard fact #1 -
"Shivering and trembling aids in faster brushing of teeth."
*ps: Cheers to everyone who's holidays has just expired.. here's wishing for a good week ahead.. mine got off to a pretty good start at least.. she'll b here tonite!
Bean blubbered at [05:45]
school's starting in 7 hrs.. i'm still awake and kicking.. not tired at all..
Moral of the story -
"Time to change my sleep cycle. definitely a NO NO for the USUAL 9am to 5pm."
Bean blubbered at [00:09]
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
I love this one.. LoLz... finally something interesting to emerge from the boring debacle..
Football is a form of entertainment. not just a sport. look at this.. hv a luff.. =) meet henry and pires the wanna-bes..
and now the real deal... cruyff and olsen.
Bean blubbered at [00:59]
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
every morning (if i wake up early),.. the cold weather(look at the foggy london look!!) gives both my knees an annoying pain. i guess that's the price u pay for blasting those poor GKs at basketball courts.. =(
Bean blubbered at [14:13]
Monday, July 09, 2007
results are released... *sigh* i hate to get scores like 78 or 69.. just one or two marks below the grade i want.. argh.. now i wished i hadn't started slack for iMedia.. just missed out. though 69 is above my expectation for video, i still feel a little agrieved coz i missed it by one single mark. i rather be given a score of 60 for CR. =(
full results as followed:
2D Animation
3D Animation
Interactive Media
Video Production
Bean blubbered at [13:55]
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
3D result is out.. just a DI. not excellent. but at least no disappointment on my part.. greed maybe..
Bean blubbered at [09:26]
opening up our hearts. heart-to-heart communication. i teared.. again.. i missed the past.. i still feel it's not too far away.. i will try my best.. but i need help. help oni u can render..
it feels great to be able to talk abt it.. coz now instead of fighting the battle alone in our own directions.. we're going to fight shoulder-to-shoulder again.. a tight hug from u is all i need..
they say i'm an emotional guy. i guess it's true..
Bean blubbered at [04:45]
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
fresh start.. reformatted my laptop! wow.. should be faster now.. hopefully..
Bean blubbered at [05:21]
Sunday, July 01, 2007
what do u do when u feel hurt and yet could understand why everything is happening in this manner? contradicting? foolish? silly? overly emo?
when ppl want something, they work for it or wait for it.. however after working for it, the person will think that the reward is waiting for them at the end of the hardwork. at least that's what army was for me, at the end of a tiring shag exercise, there'll be chong pang nasi lemak to buy.. when ppl worked/waited for something yet couldnt get it, they are disappointed. not at the reward. but at the "not getting" of the reward.
i was in 5 Agape. in sec 5, my school wanted to add a meaning to each alphabet of the class.. my form teacher told us it means unconditional love. back then, i thought how can love be totally unconditional.. i'm starting to experience this myself..
what is unconditional love? in my opinion, it's when u feel hurt by the someone u love yet absolved the him/her from any blame at the same time.. when u complain and feel sad & sorry for urself, yet oso came up with all the logical reasoning for the opposite's actions and reactions. when u can't bring urself to feel angry at him/her but feel sad at how things hv panned out instead.
or maybe it's just me being silly.. as usual, i rather be silly then to blame someone unduly.. i think it takes much more courage and strength to re-analyse the situation and re-access the reasoning behind each action and reaction than to simply push all the blame on whoever that hurt u..
In my words, a poor person who cant afford necessities is not a stingy person. Therefore,... a person who doesnt know how to make up enough time for others while having enough rest and relaxation time can't be faulted for being unavailable most of the time.
i believe u're protecting urself from hurt. if u've chosen to detach in order to avoid hurt, i hope the feelings ain't buried too deep in to be retrieved. i believe and wanna believe in everything u say..
bean.. either u will be foolishly sad or thankfully foolish.. either way u r a fool in some way.. *yes, that was me talking to myself.. (in fact this whole entry is.. please dun ask me abt it..) i talk to myself a lot.. *
+ her to be happy
+ inner bliss
+ to unite with you again.
+ be able to bring joy to ppl i love.. again..
+ graduate with a DI average grade. (difficult..)
+ nv to meet BenPar ever again after graduation.
+ get a decent job.
+ good gradesHD & DI pls..
+ More External HDDs( not enuff again.. =( )
+ Newcastle to do well
- Call me bean
- First naked on 11/11/1982
- Bleeds
black & white
- Has dad & sista, michelle. No more mum but an auntie. =p
- Has an IQ of 152
- Can you afford me? I'm worth exactly: $1,448,020
- Am lazy. (applies to even eating!)
- Don't expect me to read Chinese
- Sees the glass half full
- Loyal & faithful
- Loves to shop
- photograFREAK
- Loves potatoes (meshed, whipped, fried, etc)
- Picky with greenies..
- Studied EI in NYP
- Enlisted to Gryphon Coy (BMTC)
- Signal Trained in S.I.
- Posted to 1st Guards
- Served my NS as Bn S2 Signaller
- ORDed on X'mas eve'05
- interested in multimedia.
- a recent deviant
- studying BA(AIM) in RMIT. Melbourne. Aussie.
Part Timeworking adult,
Full Time slacker.
- SAFpays me no more.. =(
- Singing lifts my spirits tremendously
i'll have an assignment to complete a 30-second 3D Animation. currently, making in the progress... this is my first draft for my character, Kong. it will be a very simple and short animation coz 30 seconds is not a very long time for a full blown story.
i noe drawing is not my strong point so... cut me some slack alrite? =) cheers!
front/side view:- (digitally enhanced..) Storyboards(click for larger view):-
It's been a frustrating weekend involving my ibanking account. they recently enforced the security dongle thingie which has a self generating password to log into my ibanking account. Security wise excellent.. However as most of my frens would know, i am in aussie studying and my mailing address is in singapore. thus to get hold my dongle password can prove a tad VERY troublesome.
visiting the ibanking page to find out more about the dongle and whether i've got one mailed to me in singapore, i noticed this weird looking photo.. which i've ignored most of the time.. it's only when i can't get log in that i get a second look at it.
I can guess their intentions of hving made this image with the lady with a fakish smile putting on 2 seat belts on to try portray a secure and safe ibanking experience but having been lock out of my own account at the moment, another image came into my brain from the same image. that is one of a kiasee kidnapped lady being tied down in the car forced to play CS (yea.. i dislike that kinda game. makes me wanan puke.) and still unable to log into the ibanking account to pay the ransom..
yepz.. that sounds like me being sore at locked out of my own bank account. Blabbered
Thursday, July 26, 2007
I loved the Simpsons! I can't believe i've never seriously(hardly the word, ain't it? LoLz..) set down and watched it in all my years in Singapore.. oh i've discovered this cool site which SIMPSONIZED me.. Basically it's uploading a photo portrait of yourself and then pick a few accessories, choose the clothing color and here i am..
Be a part of the Simpsons family too! the link here.
This will be quite a random post.. Basically will have a few pictures for all to enjoy.. and some images for me to recall back on one day when i'm back in sweating sg missing the melb's cool which i'm whining about quite a lot(according to my gf).
i can see myself one day wishing there will be horses on orchard road too.. compared to these on swanston street..
victorian structures that decorated the city also fascinated me lots when i first arrived as they offer a much interesting outlook to the city then the squarish blocks of cement in singapore..
I have this fascination or admiration for these "botak" (meaning bald) trees in melbourne's winter.. i like them.. to some ppl they appear scary.. but for me, it's like a sight that i will not see in singapore much.. (unless i hv itchy fingers one day and go leaves plucking..)
the extra fluffy clouds,(loaned from heaven itself! lol) matched with the beautiful blue skies in melbourne makes photographs look nicer on its own. (unlike in sg where i often hv to photoshop to digitally enhance the blue..)
and once again i look out of my window to admire the clouds, the sky and the sunset which i'll definitely miss when i return to sg once again.. Blabbered
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
i'm awake and having brekkie now.. that's all i sleep usually anyway.. a few miserly hours..
back to school. back to basics.. and re-learning some hard facts of life i hv forgotten..
Hard fact #1 -
"Shivering and trembling aids in faster brushing of teeth."
*ps: Cheers to everyone who's holidays has just expired.. here's wishing for a good week ahead.. mine got off to a pretty good start at least.. she'll b here tonite! Blabbered
school's starting in 7 hrs.. i'm still awake and kicking.. not tired at all..
Moral of the story -
"Time to change my sleep cycle. definitely a NO NO for the USUAL 9am to 5pm." Blabbered
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
I love this one.. LoLz... finally something interesting to emerge from the boring debacle..
Football is a form of entertainment. not just a sport. look at this.. hv a luff.. =) meet henry and pires the wanna-bes..
every morning (if i wake up early),.. the cold weather(look at the foggy london look!!) gives both my knees an annoying pain. i guess that's the price u pay for blasting those poor GKs at basketball courts.. =( Blabbered
Monday, July 09, 2007
results are released... *sigh* i hate to get scores like 78 or 69.. just one or two marks below the grade i want.. argh.. now i wished i hadn't started slack for iMedia.. just missed out. though 69 is above my expectation for video, i still feel a little agrieved coz i missed it by one single mark. i rather be given a score of 60 for CR. =(
opening up our hearts. heart-to-heart communication. i teared.. again.. i missed the past.. i still feel it's not too far away.. i will try my best.. but i need help. help oni u can render..
it feels great to be able to talk abt it.. coz now instead of fighting the battle alone in our own directions.. we're going to fight shoulder-to-shoulder again.. a tight hug from u is all i need..
they say i'm an emotional guy. i guess it's true.. Blabbered
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
fresh start.. reformatted my laptop! wow.. should be faster now.. hopefully.. Blabbered
Sunday, July 01, 2007
what do u do when u feel hurt and yet could understand why everything is happening in this manner? contradicting? foolish? silly? overly emo?
when ppl want something, they work for it or wait for it.. however after working for it, the person will think that the reward is waiting for them at the end of the hardwork. at least that's what army was for me, at the end of a tiring shag exercise, there'll be chong pang nasi lemak to buy.. when ppl worked/waited for something yet couldnt get it, they are disappointed. not at the reward. but at the "not getting" of the reward.
i was in 5 Agape. in sec 5, my school wanted to add a meaning to each alphabet of the class.. my form teacher told us it means unconditional love. back then, i thought how can love be totally unconditional.. i'm starting to experience this myself..
what is unconditional love? in my opinion, it's when u feel hurt by the someone u love yet absolved the him/her from any blame at the same time.. when u complain and feel sad & sorry for urself, yet oso came up with all the logical reasoning for the opposite's actions and reactions. when u can't bring urself to feel angry at him/her but feel sad at how things hv panned out instead.
or maybe it's just me being silly.. as usual, i rather be silly then to blame someone unduly.. i think it takes much more courage and strength to re-analyse the situation and re-access the reasoning behind each action and reaction than to simply push all the blame on whoever that hurt u..
In my words, a poor person who cant afford necessities is not a stingy person. Therefore,... a person who doesnt know how to make up enough time for others while having enough rest and relaxation time can't be faulted for being unavailable most of the time.
i believe u're protecting urself from hurt. if u've chosen to detach in order to avoid hurt, i hope the feelings ain't buried too deep in to be retrieved. i believe and wanna believe in everything u say..
bean.. either u will be foolishly sad or thankfully foolish.. either way u r a fool in some way.. *yes, that was me talking to myself.. (in fact this whole entry is.. please dun ask me abt it..) i talk to myself a lot.. *