Sunday, July 31, 2005
Sunday summarised.
morning. soccer match in yishun at Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School. i opened the scoring after a fine cross-cum-through-ball from kp. 1-0! i went on to hit the post on another occasion but we lost 5-2 in the end.
the referee we hired for the game ain't good. he's so old. his judgement on many occasions failed to impress and frustrated us all. the opponent was rough. we had juz enuff players.. 11. but we ended the game with only 9. coz 2 were injured by their rough tackles. thus the reason for us losing the game. we were leading 2-1 for much of the game until our players had to go off injured and unreplaced.
after the game, jm & kp came over to my place. that is after dropping by at jm's for him to washup & pack his book-in stuff to bring over.. we played ps2! kp bought the new super slim ps2 and traded in his old faulty ps2 set. cool! it's so slim n tiny. so portable.. we spent most of our time playing Fantastic Four. i always enjoyed playing these kinda 'bare-knuckles' style games with the companionship of my guys.. heh.. too bad good happy times always seemed so short. before we realize, it's time for them to book in le..
the rest of the night i spent busy on another psd file. html too. decided to retire early (ard midnight). a lil' tired coz of the game today and also taking into consideration that i'll be driving tomolo morning for 2 lessons in a row.. ok, nitez everybody.. ;)
Bean blubbered at [23:59]
i just love this conversation i read about.. it's so... undescribable.. childhood innocence? notti? hilarious!!
Conversations with a 2.5 year old
29 July 2005
"Hey honey! Water please!"
"Callum. Don't call me honey."
"No honey. I like it."
"Well I don't like it. Call me Mumster or something."
"Monster?!? Bwahaha. You so silly honey."
"Gah. You're such a child."
"Honey Monster! Honey Monster! Honey Monster!"
Bean blubbered at [21:45]
there is soooooo much i wish i know and i wish i can start learning about.. but it just seemed that i dun hv that much time after minus-ing my activities(ie. soccer, company pals, slack online, photoshopping, photographing, window shopping, learn car, listen to nagging from dad, company michelle, reading online soccer news, reading blogs, blogging, photoshopping for my blogging, checking email etc..) from my weekend time.
here is a list of softwares i wish i hv more knowledge on:
- Adobe Illustrator
- Macromedia Dreamweaver
- Macromedia Freehand
- Macromedia Fireworks
- Macromedia Cold Fusion
- Macromedia Premiere
- Maya
- Indesign
- Quark Xpress
- 3D Studio Max
i also wish to have more talent in drawing.. someone care to gimme pointers? i'm so hopeless in drawing but i noe u won't understand until u've seen me try to draw a 3d technical drawing consisting of just straight lines.. kelvo should noe abt that.. i hv zero experience in drawing technical drawing coz i din study D&T in secondary. SJI offered computer lessons instead..
i will strive hard.. for what i lack in drawing i hope to make up in other ways.. but then i juz feel so small too often.. haiz..
Bean blubbered at [21:25]
My day at the library summarised..
Bean blubbered at [01:43]
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Damn... my tagboard is down again ! now i can't even tag myself.. it's been a pretty lonely weekend so far. did everything alone. solitude moulds personality they say.. sure did lotsa thinking today..
a pretty 'nua' day for me after my nap. nothing much. walked my way to amk library. did lotsa browsing-cum-reading there. got myself a new library card. that cost 5 bucks. i'd lost my previous one 2 years ago when i misplaced my wallet. for everybody's info, i made so many police reports, i had already spent 700 bucks making replacements after replacements of identity cards. terrible rite ?!? haha.. i'm so forgetful..
Funny happening was that the librarian kept referring my 11B (Army Green IC) as S11.. haha.. ain't that a coffeeshop?!? i had to keep myself from being caught giggling at her slip of tongue. oh.. i mean slips of tongue. =P oh man.. i'm so evil heh heh heh..
Bean blubbered at [23:18]
I'm the man in charge ! I'm the manager !! The name of my team at Simply Magpies..
Bean blubbered at [22:41]
basically kinda sleepyfaced now.. juz woke up from a nap.. friday was my combat shoot. the results were juz so frustrating. we missed by only 4 shots. i was pretty annoyed at some ppl who didn't put in their best effort coz they had already gotten their badge and money.. pui! such a loser.. selfish b*****d !!
i reached camp at midnight. decided not to book out until the next morning to save on the cab fare. took bus 169 with 'ok hao' home. 'shook'ed michelle up to have breakfast.. we went to the market nearby. conincidentally we ran into Encik. yes.. Master Sergeant Johnnie Tok Teck Khoon. apparently he was having coffee with his old frens.. i waved a 'hi' and left the scene.. (i'm not a veri sociable guy hor?)
took some photos. they will be materials for me to play around with on photoshop later.. when i hv more energy. still feeling a lil' tired from my lack of sleep from sleeping around 2am and waking at 6 plus to a big fat ''ok hao's'' butt landing on my chest.. Ouch!
after breakfast, i went home did some random reading and sleepiness crept in.. i dozed off on my bed for a nap.. which brings me to now.. i'm blogging now juz before i head out for the library.. juz feel like doing more random reading.. mmmm..
Bean blubbered at [14:57]
Thursday, July 28, 2005
today i went to the air rifle range at safra yishun. warrant chua got us out! haha.. CO inspection supposed to be in the afternoon but we got out right after lunch.. thus giving it a miss.. what luck!!
heh.. interesting to try out the air rifles.. picking up the technique as we fire away.. wah.. it sure is testing on your waist i'll say.. i got pretty stiff waist after the session. left the range at 1530h..
Bean blubbered at [19:31]
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
It's been 19 lessons le.. Just completed topic 25(Stage 2 Evaluation) and topic 26(Vertical Parking) today.. i felt i drove pretty well today.. hee ;) i didn't stall any engines today and abait for 1 or 2 cases of uncertain driving, and i did most of the circuit driving difficult stunts without any mistakes! heh :P i noe i v bhb.. sorrie la.. juz let me 'high' away la..
My next lesson will be an auto transmission lesson. i reckon it should be easy.. I've the below stated topics yet to be completed.
Topic 27: Reacting to road hazards
Topic 28: Lane Changing Part III (Heavy Traffic)
Topic 29: Parallel Parking
Topic 30: Stage 3 Evaluation
After that, Stage 4 loh..
Topic 31: Traffic Police Test Checklist(with test route)
Topic 32: Comprehensive Driving
Topic 33: Pre-test assessment
then can book for revision or if i'm confident, maybe can try for TP le.. wonder how many more lessons i'll take to get my license.. hmmm... *sigh* no confidence at all lei.. i'll surely die jia lat jia lat thru minor mistakes even if i managed to avoid those major mistakes.. *double sigh*
Bean blubbered at [21:09]
I know i probably shouldn't react this way but i find this really disgusting.. I know it's a veri noble deed but it sure gives me the creeps now & second thoughts about being there for my loved during the 'fathering' process.. Though i'm sure i'll get around that in time to come.. i always wanna give my future loved one all the support i can give.. hee ;)
Oh yah! Genie sent me this link while i was out driving today.. Interesting!! does it mean my blog has a share value of B$2,736.51 ?!? haha.. err... any buyers? kekeke..
Also,.. thanks so much my meaningful friend.. (you should now what i mean..) sad to say,... i expected more.. haha.. juz kidding.. kekeke.. dun angry ah my meaningful and magnanimous friend..
Nic asked me a veri difficult qn today. Here goes the situation: If you're the father of a sec 1 girl and you just recently found out that your girl has been keeping from you the fact that she has a bf le.. She has been sms-ing him veri often, her grades r dropping, and you know too that they've been holding hands.. What would you do?
This is my reply:..
"I believe in good communication with the child and giving her the trust i would have like if i put myself in her shoes.. then educate her about life a little.. that life ain't always so innocent like it seems. reminding her of her current priorities in life and letting her know the consequences of mistakes which she could be making..
Then i feel it's important to set her a few guidelines eg. curfew, pocket money restriction while giving her freedom in certain issues too. i believe in give and take. if you want her to listen to you, you must give show her ur trust in her. However if you ever discover that the trust has been breached, you may then consider the hardline with her. "
I feel it's pretty hard for me to imagine being on a strict curfew etc.. coz I'm a guy. grown up with little restrictions from my parents. though i believe i still maintained a rather 'guai boy' image la.. maybe coz i was pretty blur n 'gong gong toot toot' without any knowledge in fashion sense, beauty care and vanity etc..
hmmm.. yea.. talking about telling ppl to mind their priorities in life.. haiz.. i'm perhaps also guilty of the same. hmmm... *nodding* ok, i'll try my best...
/*updated: I'll like to hear how u guys will react to ths situation i've narated as above.. please do send in how u might wanna handle the matter. (abt the sec 2 girl)*/
Bean blubbered at [16:24]
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Nightmare again.. urks! so disgusting.. i dreamt that i brought michelle and another kid to the shopping mall to shop. then i was busy reading my book at this nice cafe and they were running around looking at this and that.. i was reading very intently when i could hear someone shouting.
i tilted my head upwards, annoyed to be distracted away froom my good book. there's this woman about 50 metres away trying to gesture to me something which i couldn't make out. then the small crowd gathered at the woman's location seem to wanna tell me something but i again couldn't make out what they're trying to say.. i saw michelle and the other kid through a glass panel. they were inside the store that the gesturing woman and crowd were standing.
i rushed off my seat. knocking over my cuppa coffee. i didn't care.. in my mind something serious must have happened. i could tell from the expression and look michelle gave me. i sprinted into the store. There is this very pale faced girl. she's about my age. but i reckon she's slightly older. she was not standing steadily.
michelle was trying to tell me she is somebody. i assumed the girl was related to the other kid so i went over and held on to her. stabling her. she leaned on me. and yes! =( puked on me.. urks.. after she had vomitted into my face. while rushing her to the cab stand, i could just feel my pungent mouth rotting away.. i woke up abruptly.. the smell and look is so disgusting. the girl is so ugly too.. haha..
hmmm... how come i dreamt again? hmmm.. i dun dream often.. but this is one disgusting one not to remember.. drats! late for book in liao.. gtg.. ciaoz..
Bean blubbered at [08:48]
met up briefly with my good fren today! =) hee.. u noe who u r.. kekeke.. passed the printed stuff and i was shy again.. didn't make much eye contact also.. haha.. i was still blur blur one coz juz wake up not long. then headache somemore.. then i went to get new paper and some bread. went home n made breakfast.
checked my friendster and realized that my last testimonial was so long ago.. hmmm.. ask ppl write for u is so wrong yet if u dun do it, no one will? hmmm.. busy? or is that juz an excuse? hmm..
stone at home after brunch while then time to go for lesson liao. today booked 2 lessons. 1 lesson on U-turns & 1 lesson on 3 point turn, Emergency Brake, S-course & crank course. Both were surprisingly easy.. especially the narrow courses.
i actually went thru them so quickly towards the end that my instructor said that he could see that i am getting pretty confident with them. i asked, "how come?". he said that he noticed that my speed is getting faster n faster as i went thru them.. haha.. had fun today.. next lesson is stage 2 evaluation le.. then left vertical and parallel parking then i can book for TP Test le..
tomolo morning book in le. then guard duty tomolo. no lessons le lei this week.. sianz.. next entry should be on saturday morning le.. unless i come home on nights off. k lah.. i oso tired le.. drove for 200 minutes lei.. shag le. time to prepare a bit for book in tomolo..
Bean blubbered at [00:23]
Monday, July 25, 2005
haiz.. so sad. Feeling realli bad abt something..
dunno why 6 Div suddenly need so many signallers to help them for an outfield exercise. initially i heard from potato that i was drafted in. he also informed me that it will last for around 9 days. thus burning our weekend if we were involved. so fed up.. already tahan all the way since i entered 1 guards, as the arguably the battalion's most difficult job as S2 signaller, till now only 150 odd days from ORD still pick on me!
i called ps. he hung up on me saying he is driving.. i was realli '热锅上的蚂蚁' lor.. i have so many driving lessons booked in advance liao.. if i need to cancel dunno how loh.. sianz lei.. must cancel must sell then must wait for ppl to sell me again..
A while later, i called potato to ask again. he told me that he was drafted in. awww... i feel so bad. i know the guys will surely say that i saboh them one.. haiz.. i realli feel so bad now.. but.. haiz..*sigh*
Bean blubbered at [21:26]
All's well that ends well.. Re-baked this time with me standing there waiting patiently to ensure it's not burnt again..
Bean blubbered at [14:17]
Woke up with a headache and did everything wrong.. always stone and blur..*sigh* my cheese bread turned out looking like chocolate buns..
Bean blubbered at [14:16]
Bean blubbered at [02:44]
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Bean blubbered at [20:57]
Let's got there have a drink chill out more often..
Bean blubbered at [19:42]
Spent my whole Sunday doing these two pictures on PS. hope u guys like it.
Bean blubbered at [19:41]
Saturday, July 23, 2005
A picture paints a thousand words..
Bean blubbered at [19:00]
Alrite.. i'll blog a short one before i go out for the night with guys.. yea.. we're renting a car out to drive around and makan.. kekeke.. actually i enjoy the exploring and driving more. next time i wanna be the one driving.. heh..
yesterday i was COS. actually i slept more as a COS than when i'm at home.. i slept at around 2230h. slept all the way to 0625h. hand over COS duty at 0800h. booked out at 0900h. went to town council near okh's place and played badminton. finish playing juz nice for lunch. took 265 home.
bathed.. then found mail on my table. Griffith University has accepted me and offered me a place in the Double degree course of Bachelor of Information Technology / Bachelor of Multimedia. it's a 4 year course if i do not have exemptions.. i hope i do coz i feel it's a lil' too lengthy a stay.
then i played around with some multimedia softwares experimenting different stuff. it's good to learn more softwares by playing around with them.. argh.. i haven got my DreamWeaver yet.. it's essential.. hmm...
kk.. time to dress up for going out.. ciaoz.. see ya guys..
Bean blubbered at [18:45]
Thursday, July 21, 2005
ayz.. booking in soon. so sianz. this time it'll be for a longer period of time than has been for the last week or so. coz i'm the Company Orderly Sergeant(C.O.S) for Friday. (*note: actually i'm only a corporal but the sergeants have all ORD-ed so nowadays we corporals take over the 'Sai Gang'.)
My duty will end on Saturday 0800h. looks like i'll book out for home, change then straight away play badminton with "ok hao" and co. at the town council around st. 51(or is it st. 52).. then go home slack and rest.
hey! i just got a cap from my dad. dunno how he got it. pretty cute.. it has my nick on it. it says 'The Wild Bean Cafe' but i reckon i won't wear it much.. it's just so passe for me.. wonder where i'll lose it in my room.. hmm... *ponders*
kk.. cya guys on sat when i get back.. ciaoz..
Bean blubbered at [21:13]
Yay!! i passed my Final Theory Test loh.. hee =P Next ambition is to pass my Traffic Police Test at my first attempt.. haiz.. that is so high a target for an amateur drive like me. yet i couldn't imagine the disappointment i will get if i do fail. hmmm... a case of 'bu zhi liang li'??
Alrite.. double joy upon getting home. i've got mail. And that's a rare thing. it's Edith Cowan University offering me a place in Bachelor of Communication. (Refer to pic) Hmmm... i won't make a decision just yet.. looks like i'll await more acceptance letters first n consider my options.. hmmm... *ponders*
driving practical today was about turning right on the road. hmmm.. i was pretty nervous. prolly due to the fact that i hadn't been out on the road for a while. the confidence level dropped ya noe.. didn't check my blind spots enough.. must make it a point to remember that next time i drive..
woah.. juz watched my cousin tay tyn long proceed to the next round on singapore brainiest kid. yeah.. if u watched, he's the one wearing the blue n green striped polo tee.. so proud to be his cousin. haha.. too bad i lack the composure and knowledge not to say the brains for this kind stuff..
Bean blubbered at [20:02]
A short entry before i go for my driving lesson at 1640h and then my Advanced Theory Test at 1830h at ssdc. firstly, while reading blogs today i was realli stunned to discover that a fellow blogger had her blog hacked! it's such an unscruptulous thing to do. i can't imagine how mad i would be if someone were to delete away my 3 years of entries.. i realli hope the culprit gets punished..
secondly, hearing that potato got his temporary driving license has made me want it more n faster. i'm so envious of him. it's only his 1st attempt. it has always bee my goal to pass it on my first attempt too.. hmmm... pressure sia.. well.. for my part i betta clear my Advanced Theory Test today.. juz have to be more patient, do it slowly and carefully. dun make any careless mistakes can liao..
k..k.. i betta get going before i go late for my driving lesson again.. Advanced Theory Test i must pass.. i must.. here's hoping.. wish my luck dudes.. though i guess i'll noe the results before u guys even get the chance to wish me luck here.. cyaz..
Bean blubbered at [16:11]
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Got myself a magazine i realli like.. comes with a CD too.. hmmm.. pretty expensive though.. it's over 20 bucks.. but i realli liked it..
Bean blubbered at [22:30]
hmmm.. nothing much going on in my life currently. so i shall continue on my feelings and adventures of my driving lessons.. hee ;) okay.. where shall i start.. today's lesson was at 1855h. i rushed there by bus.. was perhaps late by 5 mins. i checked my vehicle number at the lobby. Vehicle 117.. Fatty Bom Bom !! haha =P
lesson on directional change again. as much as i was depressed last night over flunking on that topic, i was as overjoyed when i finally gained some consistency and managed to do it by the end of the lesson again. i enjoyed myself making a fren outta him. we chatted and joked. he taught me well and patiently. i think i would hv gotten some bruised confidence and a 'smelly head' if i were to be taught the old grumb instructor..
hmmm.. i dread to book in. but here i go.. blog tomolo when i get back from camp.. byee ;)
let it go,.. let it go.. be patient. wait..
Bean blubbered at [22:01]
It's been a while since i last had a dream. Last night i dreamt.. because of some camp event, i met up with a fren at Dieppe Barrack. In the dream i was surprised to see him. he came over and put his arm over my shoulder. i was abt to ask him why he was in Dieppe then it occured to be that he must be in the highly confidential 21 Signal Battalion, thus explaining why i dun get to see him much in camp either..
Very oddly, he held my hands??!! Nooo.. i'm not gay.. i felt realli uncomfy abt that.. but strangely i didn't realli resist by throwing his hands away. it felt like it would seem rude and unaccepting of a friend's request and i didn't wanna give that impression. Especially after i recently felt bad about neglecting his friendship some time back due to 'a lack of time'..
Then i woke up abruptly.. hmm.. so it was juz a dream i told myself in my thoughts. On my way home from camp today i ran into that fren's mum. i thought she'd recognize me. i opened my mouth to greet her as i walked closer to her. but she juz walked away.. hmmm... sometimes i do mumble to the point that ppl can't hear me. i didn't pursue..
perhaps the me she knew and recognized was gone. gone with the times. or rather changed beyond the point recognition.. let it be...?
Bean blubbered at [17:04]
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
had my lesson at 1640h. directional change.. the instructor this time is another new face. let's call him fatty bom bom.. haha.. the whole 100 mins was inside the circuit. that's a bore to me.. i like the roads outside.. long, wide, exciting.. inside the circuit, it's slow, max gear 2, full of bozzos who can't drive faster a bit to make my $58.80 more worth it..
anyway.. fatty bom bom made me drive at gear one at the speed of a walking human. no faster mind ya.. then reverse at the same speed too.. most incredibly, he made me drive one round around the circuit without using the pedals.. haha.. that was to prove a point to me.
i guess i am impatient. i can't stand the slow speed they request of me to drive at when i do my directional change. but i noe i must learn fast. need lotsa concentration to drive that slowly. juz got to do it.. tahan till i get my license then the devil can slowly come outta me.. heh heh heh.. *looks around anxiously for any suspiciously dressed plain clothes instructors.*
fatty bom bom made me drive him up the steep slope in the circuit. can you believe it?? i pulled up the handbrake le the car still roll backwards! i think he is too heavy.. wahahaha.. the other time i drove the other 2 instructors up oso dun hv this problem.. teach me half way he say he urgent need to go toilet. ask me drive him to the toilet. how unlucky can i get? aiz.. here's hoping for a betta learning experience tomolo.. 1855h lesson. hmmm..
Bean blubbered at [21:31]
Extracted from x:
"Start of a Hobby - by CeNtAuRi
It was the start of June school holidays in 1998 and I wanted to keep myself occupied throughout. The friends whom I usually play soccer with have either moved to a new estate or are too busy to spare some time."
feeling guilty.. haiz.. i'm one of those friends "who were too busy to spare some time". i find that in life we make too many mistakes we dun realize.. hope we'll be forgiven somehow.. recently i saw those letters he wrote me again. i'll always keep those hand written letters. they're special n a memory i do not wanna ferget.. hmmmm.. wonder if he still reads my blog? he did link me.. well,...
Bean blubbered at [13:10]
no, i'm not dieting.. i ate the other slice already..
Bean blubbered at [12:09]
Was bored and so i went to try create an animated look of mine at this webbie. fren of mine says it looks like me. i dun think so.. what do u think?
Bean blubbered at [11:21]
Monday was another day which started with me getting outta bed as early as 0700h. i had booked for 2 car practical lessons at the 0835h and 1030h time slots. first lesson it's the 'talk-cock king' instructor. the one i had for my stage one evaluation. he didn't crap as much this time. i drove well.(in my opinion)
i cleared the 2 topics he taught. stopping, moving on and moving off from the circuit slope. and the other topic is observing traffic rules outside. i always preferred driving outside. can go faster and had more fun playing with the gears.. hee ;)
the next lesson wasn't as smooth surprisingly. i can't get used to the accelerator pedal which was pretty stiff. either step too hard or too soft. nv realli grapse it as perfectly as i expect of myself.. the lesson furthermore worsen upon the downpour. sianz. vision was poor and estimation of vehicle speed was more difficult. Only clear one. which was changing of lanes.
next topic would be directional change and reversing. hmmm.. something new.. afterall i've seldom or almost never reverse before. that would be on wednesday. 1855h. i hope i can grapse it fast. coz i dun see much topics left to learn. i'm already at topic 20. and total topics is around 30. my Final Theory Test is on the 21st of July. 1830h. i have another practical on that day at 1640h to 1820h.
since it was pouring and i couldn't imagine running all the way to the bus stop which i usually take my bus, i booked for a lesson of theory practice. had lunch before going for it and was pretty pissed by the invigilator. "Hey! Hello!! i'm here for a practice not a test.. dun u look at me as though i wanna cheat.." and he further pissed me off when he told me to use my fingers to press the touch screen n not using my sports climbing certification card.
my fingers are fat n round. they ain't easy to press those touch screen that either end up too sensitive or not sensitive enough. i almost slept while doing my practice. The old man sitting beside me must be a heavily addicted smoker. coz i could constantly smell cigarette-tinted breathe.. urks.. i keep looking out the window hoping that the rain would stop. if the rain weren't so heavy, i'd have left the hall much earlier..
my practice ended and i took my chance when i convinced myself that the rain is much lighter already and ran to the 268 bus stop just opposite the entrance of ssdc. didn't noe 268 stoppped there. next time if i take 268 can alight there. much nearer. got home n played around with photoshop. had fun. i always loved to play around with it. provided i have the pix, inspiration and energy..
watched shrek 2. became shagged too.. haha! fell asleep.. awoke by a nudge from jinny. felt inspired. played with photoshop somemore. designed on the 2 pix she sent me.. chatted on msn a lil'..
i finished watching shrek 2 at night. michelle commented that she watched the video clip in my pc so many times liao then i watch. it's been ages since i downloaded it. i dun like to watch alone but i dun hv a choice. i like company. i long for it.. going to bed now.. tomolo gonna book in after their co parade and bunk inspection.
the feeling is good. it's something i wanna resist but unexplainably ain't and can't. always enjoyable. wonder if it's only me. dun wanna think le.. go to bed, mel..
Bean blubbered at [01:27]
Monday, July 18, 2005
was pretty bored so i played around with photoshop again.. hope u'll like this, jinny.. do save it if u like it.. thanks for being my fren. my ex-classmate. my confidant. hee..
Bean blubbered at [21:36]
Snacking while watching Naruto or surfing net is my favourite past time..
Bean blubbered at [15:11]
Again.. i keep plunging into my sea of memories it seems...
Bean blubbered at [03:35]
Sunday, July 17, 2005
saturday morning started hecticly.. looks like my saturday morning will never be unoccupied loh.. whenever i dun have anything on, i'll arrange a badminton session with 'ok hao', junhao, nep etc.. we'll play from 9am to around 12+ or sometimes even 1pm depending on the crowd.. PS came along this time. first time play against him. his smash is quite good.. but i didn't feel i was being outclassed in any way.. the losing margin was often veri small whenever i play against him.
went home for lunch and surfed n rested until the evening 1640h.. went to ssdc for car lesson. learning was smooth n covered another two topics.. now teach until topic 17 le. next lesson will be TOPIC 18: Driving In Observance Of Traffic Rules & TOPIC 19: Circuit Slope. total got around 33 topics liddat.. more than half way thru liao.. here's hoping it all turns out well on that day..
Met up with jm after the lesson. went down to orchard fareast to get jonas his bdae present. kena spotted there by a fren while i didn't even notice her although the alleged distance was ONLY around 4 person distance away.. hmmm.. ain't i so oblivious to the surrounding when i am busy concentrating to find a suitable present for Jonas.
got him a Billabong t-shirt in the end from 77th Street. had a hard time trying to find a S-Size Tee from a couple of stalls before finally deciding on the one at 77th. i got myself 2 Newcastle players figurines at one of the stalls there too! of which my ex-favourite newcastle player Laurent Robert only cost me five bucks!! Jenas cost me 11 bucks and i wouldn't pay for the rest who were available at higher places.. i'll continue to source for cheaper bargains.. afterall i hv a lifetime to add to my Newcastle United collection.. hee =)
met up with jonas only after me n jm got tix for Sin City at Lido. it's been a loooooong time since someone would watch a movie with me in town. the guys are always prefering GV at heartland places.. Bishan J8 or Yishun 10. Lido theatre seemed so big.. it was pretty comfy too..
Sin City is a R21 show. but i got the tix without being asked for ic confirmation. jm too escaped the embarassment of being asked for identification. only jonas kena. and he is older than me.. in fact he was less than 3 hours from being 23 years old when he was approached for identification en route into the theatre..
the show was pretty graphic novel style. it was in black n white thru out.. partly due to the scenes all at night or in dimmed places like bars or back alleys.. they did use the colors to emphasize on certain characters or objects. imagine a black n white setting and the hair of this particular girl would be golden or a car body would be crimson red in a black n white alley background etc..
it's a pretty gruesome show with some topless scenes. nothing too sexual. it was branded r21 prolly coz of the brutal killing in the fighting scenes. but usually they portrayed the blood in white. all the wounds were not graphically shown.. juz plain white in that region. i was wondering how they do it digitally.. wanna learn coz it seems realli useful to emphasize something..
after the movie we went home. slept around 2+..
awoke at 7am upon hearing my handphone alarm. my phobia for my second alarm(which is my pc) got me off the bed everytime. i always need to offset my waking up time by around an hour plus coz i noe i can't resist surfing or fiddling with some stuff of mine.. i brushed up and did my morning surfing then slowly packed my stuff for soccer. the match was supposed to start at 9am.
met the guys 0820h downstairs. kp drove us to Ahmad Ibrahim Sec in his father's van. the field was locked. a caretaker approached us and told us that his upper authority told him to inform us that the field is close coz of the rain ytd. please loh! the pitch looks realli dry loh.. it's not realli water logged at all!! no means no.. so we got his name n number and prepared to make a complain.. argh.. i think they're just trying to scare the guy oni lah..
apparently the referee we employed knew the match was cancelled coz of the closure of the pitch, the opposition team knew about the cancellation of the pitch coz the Sports Council(in charge of renting the pitch n referee to us) had informed the person who booked the pitch(which was from the opposition team). Only we were the 'kukus' at the pitch early in the morning staring at a locked field.. 'lan lan, suck thumb loh!' curse the opposition team who didn't inform us.. Damn..
nothing better to do, we went Casuarina to have prata. woah.. pretty crowded. so many ppl. still loved the prata a lot.. it's my favourite.. i ordered cheese and kosong. forgot to order my personal fav of mushroom cheese prata. urgh.. next time maybe.. reached home and after finding nothing better to do online, did many quizzes before taking a nap.. hee =P my body's all aching from the over stretching during badminton where i played 3 hours almost non-stop.. it's my hamstring and butt that is veri 'sng'..
now i'm awake n feel like going out. but there's no company. michelle is out lei.. woke up then she's missing liao.. dinner also no plans. haiz.. singing to the song... 'Lonely.. i am so lonely.. i have nobody... to call my own...'
Bean blubbered at [17:38]
The Pig
Here is the analysis:
1) You are a realistic person, you are likely to be practical minded.
2) You are direct and know how to stay on course. You are confused when others complicate things that seem so clear to you.
3) You are living through a period of major change.
4) The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are. You got 2 out of 5.
5) The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life. You got 1 out of 5.
6) You are emotional and naive, you care little for details and are a risk-taker.
Bean blubbered at [13:04]
The Animal Game
Here is the analysis:
You are active, a challenger, optimistic, hard-working. You are always working towards a set goal.
Bean blubbered at [13:02]
Journey to the Real You
Here is the analysis:
1) You have 5 true friends.
2) You will have 1 true love before getting married.
3) It is your work ethic that you stop and rest for as long as you want.
4) Here is the description of your ideal mate: "mature, beautiful, kind."
5) *e****a is the person you will never get over for the rest of your life.
6) You give 75.00% in a relationship.
Bean blubbered at [12:50]
Love Test
Here is the analysis:
1) When it comes to love, you take your time and do not fall in love easily.
2) You give 85% to your relationship and expect to receive 15% in return.
3) If there is a problem in your relationship, you are able to confront it in an optimistic way and full of hope. You want to work it out right away, all by yourself.
4) You need lots of reassurance in your relationship. You'd like to see your loved one every day, if possible.
5) You accept your loved one the way they are. You don't expect him or her to change for you.
6) When you love someone, you tend to stay in love for a long time.
Bean blubbered at [12:46]
Psychological Test
Here is the analysis:
1) You are easy to understand.
2) How ambitious you are depends on the height that you answered, which is: a bit off the summit.
3) You try to please everyone, the size of this personality as seen by others is medium.
4) Wood means peaceful personality.
5) You are also down-to-earth.
6) You are an opportunist.
7) Your best friend is the one you need when you are in trouble.
Bean blubbered at [12:25]
The five-question personality test
Here is the analysis:
1) Your ideal mate is kind and generous.
2) You always compare yourself with others.
3) You make your wishes too difficult to come true.
4) No effort, no success. That's your attitudes towards success.
5) You are a person of principle. You respect social rules and regulations.
6) You are emotional, sincere and optimistic.
Bean blubbered at [12:22]
Toilet Test
Here is the analysis:
You are an efficient person but you always need time to think through issues before taking action. You can be a romantic one but you are too hasty making decisions in love. Generally, you are very cheerful.
Bean blubbered at [12:08]
What Type of Woman Does He Like?
Here is the analysis:
The woman of his dream must not be the helpless lady type or too conservative, but must be a fighter with high perseverance. Women who are the fragile type or too ladylike are definitely not to his taste. She must be committed to overcome any obstacle in building up a family with him. Those from a rich family is definitely out. He prefers women whose fortune are self-made. This type of guy isn't selfish at all, but a real social contributor one can say. Don't worry, his requirements aren't really that high, you may pass the test you know.
Bean blubbered at [11:49]
17th July.. Jonas is 23 years old le.. his bdae present from me, jm & kp.. hmmm.. to think he kena check ic when we went to watch Sin City few hours ago..
Bean blubbered at [03:40]
My New Acquisitions & Wallpaper.. hee ;)
Bean blubbered at [03:36]
My new acquisitions plunged straight into display..
Bean blubbered at [03:35]
How they blend in(close-up)...
Bean blubbered at [03:34]
Bean blubbered at [03:34]
New poster put up in my room.. Kaka of Brazil & AC Milan shown here..
Bean blubbered at [03:29]
On the new display cupboard is my Jenas Poster & Kyoko Poster..
Bean blubbered at [03:28]
i had this drawn looong ago even be4 atec.. n during the atec, S2 helped me draw the horns onto my bean.. coz his callsign is demon.. n he calls me the demon bean coz i'm his signaller..
Bean blubbered at [03:27]
my helmet in camp.. with the bean i hand drawn with a marker..
Bean blubbered at [03:26]
Saturday, July 16, 2005
I took the Naruto character test here.
Which Naruto Character Are You?
Test by naruto -
You can read more about what Shikamaru is like here.
Bean blubbered at [13:22]
Friday, July 15, 2005
hmmm... my old ailment of being 'forgetful bear' is catching up on me again. (why bear? coz long ago mum read me a story book abt this hilarious forgetful bear n i still remembers it somehow..) wednesday driving i forgot to add in a significant happening.. here it goes..
i was driving along this 2 lane 2 way road when i spotted something black stopping in the middle of the road. upon getting closer, i could make out that it was an animal trying to cross the road. a cat. a black one. urgh.. i slowed down despite knowing that the cat would prolly have crossed the road by the time i had reached it.
seeing the cat take 1 to 2 more steps forward, i released my brake padel. the vehicle moved a bit faster n before i could say 'cupig', i heard a bump in front of my vehicle. the black cat had darted backwards at the last moment due to some unknown reason.
my head turned around immediately as i passed by it. i hoped i hadn't knock it dead.. no signs of it.. so i supposed it ran away with a close shave in deed.. Traumatic it would have been had i crushed it (or worse still like what llewell they all suggested that it was stuck on my tyre..). the guys in camp also joked that i almost drove a jaguar.. haha.. imagine the black cat stuck on my bumper?!! haha.. for avid 4-D ppl who want my license plate number, it's 8150.
Disaster struck me the day after.. i din expect it though the guys were saying it'll be unlucky to be involved with a black cat. thursday was combat shoot. i wasn't shooting. mine is on the 29th. i went there as ammo party. issuing and retrieving the expended and unexpended rounds.
there was strict rules whenever it involves ammunition in army. one misfired shot = Extra Duty or charged in military court. And the rules to enter the ammo dump to return the rounds were also strict. u should be clean fatigued. nothing should be on you. no bag no sbo no handphone.
knowing that it is so tedious, i din volunteer myself to enter the ammo dump. prefering to stay behind at the guard room and let 'ok hao' and JL help PS with it. however the queue to get in was atrociously looooong.. i waited n waited.. and remember.. this is 2345h at night after a long tedious tiring day outfield. we all found some place to settle n took a nap. i climbed up the Mortar MB(a kind of vehicle) and fell asleep on the bench.
i was awoken by my PS. he came n told me that it's our turn. this is after a slumber of an hour plus.. i blur blur woke up n said ok.. seeing my fren was sound asleep still at a shelter nearby, i decided to volunteer myself and take his place to help out inside the ammo dump.
was packaging the rounds when 'tong hua' started playing.. for all those who've been out with me not too long ago, u'll noe that it's my msg tone. i was caught red handed with my phone. luckily they din notice that it is also a camera phone.. else i think more jialat. i was escorted back to the guard room. my PS received a complaint. serious sia. that piece of paper means my CO will noe of the incident. sianz. 'awarded' 03 x Extra Duties by my OC. need to write a report of the incident somemore..
kaoz.. this is what i call the power of the 'jaguar' swayness...
Bean blubbered at [23:34]
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Whooo Hooo!! i'm so happy with my driving performance today.. hee ;) made realli little mistakes and kept the old ah pek instructor of mine pretty much quiet thru out.. hee =P hmmm... changing up n down of gears is a breeze now for me..
i juz knew he wanna see me exceed 50km/h then reprimand me. but i purposely kept it at exactly 50km/h throughout the lesson when i had enough time n space for 4th gear.. gave him no chance to say me.. haha.. what a sadistic way of watching my speed eh? kekeke.. at least it helps..
i just wish he'll chat to me more when i'm doing okay and juz break the silence which i always find deafening.. i feel like telling him one day that my house is just *points to blk 105 while travelling up ave 4 slope* that block. Under his constant nagging, i will become even better.. hope to impress my TP test instructor next time too..
this afternoon i went down to riverside piazza to make universities applications for 6 different universities.. wah.. kiasu hor? aunt elsie ask me take off and make more applications next week somemore.
today i was lucky to hv aunt pui yee who not only drove me there, but also shielded me from being distracted by the guy who came to attend to us. i was busy filling in all the paperwork.. urgh.. it was such a drag.. they should allow me to just send in my resume n copy paste into their database or something..
imagine filling in 6 application forms while the guy try to make conversation without aunt puiyee to conrespond and save me the need to think n respond out of politeness? haha! aunt pui yee was about to head for the library with her 2 kids when i called her up asking whether she was free to company me to Hui & Kuah..
she brought the kids there with the mcdonald's takeaway lunch n fed the kids while chatting with Phillip at the agency. isn't it such a hassle? don't ya think? especially meganjoy who is still veri much an infant child. aunt pui yee had to tear the burger into pieces with her fingers and feed megan(for short) with it. haha.. she herself was tearing them n eating mouthfuls as i noticed while busy filling in the forms..
aunt pui yee n me chatted on the way back.. she told me during her time,.. she only took 8 lessons(each lesson is an hour) to clear her Traffic Police Test. that was in australia. each lesson is only 8 aussie dollars she said. imagine she only spent like A$64++ to get her license, while i've paid over S$500 and i haven learnt U-turn, reversing and parking..
Is this the power of inflation in economic financial terms as Tim told me about before?? Dammit.. why weren't i born earlier?? Mum!!! Dad!! u guys should have been more daring earlier... haha!
Bean blubbered at [21:08]
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Whooo... Wheee.... i juz love driving around. hee ;) today after some hiccups early in my driving lesson, it was pretty much smooth.. i practiced changing up n down the gears.. it was pouring.. first time drive in such heavy downpour. vision was pretty bad. seems a lil' dangerous.
first time i go to the 4th gear too! my highest speed ever gone up to now is 60+km/h. and that is on a 50km/h road.. hahaa... today i got a VTi again. i juz prefer VTi's coz they're more powerful.. i like the feel. but the instructor said that with VTi, parking n reversing would be more difficult..
the instructor today was pretty chatty. he tok cok sing song with me a lot. asking me abt army stuff, talking about how he feel army could improvise some of his ideas.. haha.. hilarious. imagine he suggested giving every soldier bullet proof vests and using sattelite to enable better signal comms.
we got to the topic of signal coz he asked me what vocation i was. dunno whether he is realli heck care or is my driving improving to the extent of not much comments to give. hmmm.. maybe coz today is supposed to be stage one evaluation, then he wanna test whether i can hold a conversation and still manage to drive properly.. hmmm.. if that's the case, i guess i did okay.. hee;)
die.. i enjoyed myself a lot during the time when i was gaining speed to fourth gear.. i think i like the adrenalin rush.. hmm... mustn't get the urge to like speeding.. hmm.. at least until i get my license n experience in driving then say la.. looking forward to lesson again tomolo.. whoooo.... wheeee.....
wish i own a car.. drive around aimlessly with my loved.. feeling the wind, the adrenalin rush, go to not-so-accessible places, pack a picnic basket in the car.. juz chill out in the nature somewhere next time.. *dreams*
Bean blubbered at [20:10]
Monday, July 11, 2005
Dead beat now.. no idea why.. i took a 2 hour nap before booking out le ma.. perhaps i concentrated a lot more than usual during driving lesson today.. wanted very much to do well this time after how i flopped in my last lesson.
confounded. i find that the honda civic VTi suits me in driving much more than the old model of Honda Civic EXi. i always seem to drive betta in a VTi.. hope i get a VTi tomolo during my Stage one evaluation..
Blur me remembered the timing for today's lesson. went in at 1845h when my lesson's supposed to be at 1855h. make me kan cheong then took a cab in. hmmm.. then a fren of mine will tease me say i like to feed the cabbies liao.. hmm.. i realli shouldn't.. must try harder...
Bean blubbered at [21:42]
hope u feel betta soon.. i dunno what happened and i won't ask.. coz i noe u won't say.. i juz wish u'll pull through strong n be happy.. i feel sad to see ya so painful.. so hurt. i think i can feel your pain. *sigh* i'm always so helpless whenever i see my friends in this kinda mess. so mad at myself.. i juz dunno how to comfort them. i'm always ur friend.. hope u still treat me as one.. *pats..*
Bean blubbered at [07:14]
Sunday, July 10, 2005
No one else sends me letters folded this way other than the talented person.. anyway.. i miss the days ppl send slow mails... hmmm.. it's been realli long since i received an email or slow mail from a friend juz with text asking about me or keeping in touch this way.. hmmm..
Bean blubbered at [22:55]
Another Walk Down Memory Lane 3 (Letters, Cards, Comics, Ticket Stubs, Envelopes, A4 fullscape folded in a special way by a talented person approximately 2 years ago..)
Bean blubbered at [22:53]
Another Walk Down Memory Lane 2 (After.. Photo Taken of its current position/location 2 years later.. by a lost bean)
Bean blubbered at [22:51]
Another Walk Down Memory Lane 2 (Before.. As Illustrated by a talented person approximately 2 years ago..)
Bean blubbered at [22:50]
Another Walk Down Memory Lane 1
Bean blubbered at [22:48]
Mess left uncleared currently.. will clear it after i picture blogged.. need a rest mah.. shag lei.. :P
Bean blubbered at [22:46]
Close up shot.. all my magazines, Banners, Cards, Book, Calendars and also the Alan Shearer figurine trampling on the figurines of karembeu, hasselbaink and andy cole.. haha..
Bean blubbered at [22:39]
My Shelf Dedicated to Newcastle... that's a Newcastle Shrine.. hee.. =)
Bean blubbered at [22:37]
Bean blubbered at [22:35]
Replaced the cupboard in my room to this one !!
Bean blubbered at [22:34]
A quiz i did.. hmmm.. I couldn't agree more for the words in italics.. *sigh*
Get To Know Yourself Better.
Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you meet that person.
The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
Your views on education:
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
What about you? Try it here.
Bean blubbered at [14:48]
Saturday, July 09, 2005
My color bands likes to play 'taupok' too.. haha..
Bean blubbered at [18:23]
Bean blubbered at [18:22]
The Circles of the Olympics.. United Hand In Hand?
Bean blubbered at [18:21]
Bean blubbered at [18:21]
Oh my god.. kissing it won't help, Frankie..
Bean blubbered at [18:17]
Freak Happening!! Frankie Broke his cupboard door !!
Bean blubbered at [18:17]
Friday, July 08, 2005
A wallpaper i just designed to reflect my mood..
Bean blubbered at [23:00]
hmmm.. just finished watching the episode of the channel 8 show with pierre png as the dumb dumb guy so in love with the miss mermaid. he is so 'chi xin'.. like what he says in the show.. "as long as she's happy, i should be happy too.." then he hid in his room and wept alone.
is this the right way to approach situations like this? what happened to the undying spirit? is there realli no point in pursuing something u like once it seemed impossible? shouldn't he make any last ditch attempt to win back her heart? hmmm..
juz some food for thought..
Bean blubbered at [20:13]
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Today driving sucked. i dunno why i performed so lousily today.. perhaps it's the new instructor? first time i get this guy.. perhaps it's his number car? car 48. first time get this vehicle. realli can't get used to the feel of its accelerator..
i stepped on it accessively and i think pedestrians realli feared me.. i sound like a car racer! F*** ! i think i'm an idiot.. i'm learning so slow... my reactions are too slow.. too easily panicky.. Stupid Dum Dum.. Urgh.. so disappointed n annoyed with myself!
Bean blubbered at [20:14]
Feeling vexed for a reason which is very questionable.. =( imagining too much, perhaps? i always trust my intuition.. haiz.. there is no reason to feel this way.. i feel that selfishness is the root of this feeling. Or is it a sense of injustice? a case of unfairness? perhaps the running today tire me too much.. urgh... i realli shouldn't be feeling this way.. time to change the mind set, melvyn.. but.. maybe i dun realli wanna do what i feel i should..
Bean blubbered at [19:59]
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
It was a realli tiring day juz gone by. Dragged my arse along with llewell for a jog early in the morning. (Hope i can sustain my determination of doing this everyday until i ord?? sounds difficult.. keke =P) went gym straight after. did some workout mainly on the arms and chest. didn't take the usual nap after returning to bunk. i dun like the thought of spending the rest of my days in army slacking away so much growing a belly! urgh!
after lunch didn't do much. encik gathered us to select some SaiGang warriors for tomorrow. i escaped coz i got class 3 practical lesson. BSO gathered us soon after too.. it's practically his last day of work in Dieppe Barracks. hmmm..
kinda having mixed feelings seeing him about to leave us. since the 1st day he was posted to be our pc-cum-bso, we haven realli seen eye to eye with him. however i must say he manages things in an orderly, responsible and fair manner.. during outfield, he's constantly looking out for us coz he understands our hardship of carrying the extra load and walking juz as much as anyone.. wish him future success in his future endeavours.. u deserve my respect. *salutes*
then after the bso gathering, it's my turn! i gathered the soccer kakis including llewell, sad, ok hao, junwei(spike), 'muscle'(scout) and played soccer at the mph. totally shagged out.. rushed out with nep to take a theory practice(which i fell asleep many times while reading the qns on the screen) then a theory trial test. Passed! got 48 outta 50. hee ;) pretty happy.. nep got full marks.. amazing har??!! booked for finaly theory test on the 21st july. wish me luck then..
now for a duly deserved rest... arrhhh....
Bean blubbered at [22:00]
hmmmm.. looks like my blog entry on the voting of a new url of my blog ain't getting much response.. so i'll hv to drag it on a bit more thinking of a betta name.. hmmm..
meanwhile, all suggestions are welcomed! thanks to jinny, "not telling you", sj, owl and passerby for ur kind opinions.. they will be considered..
currently among those listed, the poll stands at bakedbean (3 votes), onlybean(1 vote), others(1 vote). my personal preference is onlybean but it sounds realli lonely.. haha.. let me think a lil' looooooonger..
Bean blubbered at [21:55]
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
melvyn parades his new kit after he completes his move to Newcastle early this morning..
Bean blubbered at [22:42]
Newcastle swoop asian soccer star Melvyn just before the transfer market closes for 23 million pounds !!
Bean blubbered at [22:41]
hi my precious audience,
i'm thinking of changing my blog url. However, i want some feedback from you guys.. which url would you prefer?
please post your vote in the comments link.. thank you..
Bean blubbered at [12:41]
lesson 5 on monday evening wasn't good. though i was allowed to pass, i felt i hadn't manage to pick up as fast as my instructor would hv liked. i feel this instructor is good. i blamed myself for being so rigid. so slow in picking up the skills. i dun understand what he meant sometimes.
my mistakes.. always dragging gear. slow in changing up gears. slow in changing down gear when making a turn with a vehicle ahead. occasionally forget to check blind spots. move off from rest not smooth.. engine stall sometimes. accelerating while turning. slow in anticipating traffic lights.. so lousy hor? hmmm..
i vow to do it betta today.. i booked for etrial test today right after my practical lesson too..
Bean blubbered at [12:35]
Sunday i paid a visit to aunt pui's house. i got the kids to open the door for me. they were busy playing maplestory on the laptop with wireless connection. i looked around and thought the adults hv all gone out to fetch ah ma n michelle while i walked over myself..the front door was closed. an unusual sight here which inadvertedly convinced me that no adults were around.
i walked to the kitchen. saw aunt pui crouching at the door leading from the kitchen to the balcony. i entered the balcony wanting to give her a surprise. what i saw ain't what i expected. she was tearing.. i was unable to react. i shy away.. i've always shied away from emotional confrontation like these.. though i do care.. though i do wanna noe why she's tearing.. i am afraid of showing concern.
this accidental discovery also taught me that the most jovial & happy person in the world also will have sad moments. more often than i believed, i assumed that some ppl i noe are never down. they always seem so positive, so jovial, so sociable, so happy.. what i din see is the many times they picked themself up by themselves when they were down.. this is what i must learn..
Bean blubbered at [12:20]
Monday, July 04, 2005
i dunno why i didn't realli blog this weekend until this veri last moment. i dun think i have much significant stuff to blog. feeling nothing either. i'll juz blog a short one abt my happenings for the wkend.
friday night: book out. went for car practical 4. watched lotsa vcds. slept 3+am.
saturday: badminton in the morning. till noon. met suku go pearl hill park. had nice chat good breeze and potato chips. ppl would hv thought we were a couple. how i wish i could have someone special with me there.. it's nice to explore new places to go with her.. good go out kaki.. btw, suku.. u serious abt going to the chinablack ORD Bash?
Sunday: Laze and rested the whole day. ordered macdonald's takeaway breakfast. wet n soggy hashbrowns = no more take aways. more expensive and also waited close to an hour. evening went swimming at pui's.. had family gathering. aunt elsie said i looked slimmer. aunt pui yee asked what i did to myself to look so slim? hmmm... i think i'm fat fat FAT.. i was trying my clothes ytd and i felt i could be slimmer n look betta.. i still think i need to work out more in camp to lose some weight. i'm almost super obese again.. urgh..
i long for a head. haha.. i see ppl longing for a firm shoulder to rest their heads on.. i too long for the kinda romantic company which oni a gf can provide.. but... haiz.. going abroad for studies. can't think of these. long distance relationships ain't gonna work out. juz wish that my yrs in uni fly by.. i like to be attached i guess..
Bean blubbered at [02:02]
- kenny
- karen
- cruz
- sandra
- genie
- dav
- ko1nu
- LaineyBoo
- mouldy
- penguin
- cheeser
- anne
- jenblaze
- potato
- cyclone06
- linda
- xiaxue
- poison
- sheylara
- peifen
- qing
- ting
- qinghan
- ray
- dylan
- marcus
- pc
- jerome
- xuan
- daniel
Bean Kickin'..
- IcNewcastle
- Planetfootball
- Teamtalk
- Soccernet
- Live Scores
- Fantasy EPL
- FootyTube
- NufcSingapore
- Toon Forum
- S-League
- Wanna bet?
Bean Mails'..
- bean82[at]
- S3126008[at]
- dustbean11[at]
- melvyn11[at]
- dustbean11[at]
- bean82[at]
Bean Reading..
- The Age
- Stomp
- SPH Papers
- The Sun
- NY Times
- Ananova
- Computer Times
- Can Dot Com
- Catcha
- MediaCorpSingapore
Bean Cliques..
- Friendster
- Flickr
- Photobucket
- deviantArt
- Ebay
- Yahoo Pix
- Togoparts
- Neighbour
- Multiply
- Box[dot]Net
- Graffiti[dot]net
- My Briefcase
- Geocities
Bean Lookin'..
- Hor Lan?
- Bushing?
- Wordless?
- Research(Wiki)?
- Flying/Landing ?
- Translator
- Phone Book
- Jobless?
- STILL Jobless?
- Job-hunt?
- More Job-hunt?
- How Fast Can You Type?