Thursday, October 23, 2003
   There're lotsa famous Quotes/Phrases in camp circulating around alreadi... heh... here are some unforgettable ones...
"Nevermind, Whole Lot Knock It Down" - 2IC LT Tsai P K
"You F***ing C***B**, Understand??!!!" - 3SG Erizemen
"NaBei, You think I cannot see right? *points middle finger at us*" - 2LT Shawn Goh
"Are You Sure?" - 2LT Fauzi
"Ser Dee Her !! " - 3SG Erizemen
"Only Women Talk A Lot" - LTA See Ghim Tuck
Bean blubbered at [23:54]
   hi all !! it's Deepavali... i back home on Thursday !! Great eh? not so great this time though for me... that's coz i have to report back on Sat morning at 0730h for regimental guard duty till sunday morning... dammit.. when others are enjoying their looong weekend, i'll be in Tekong or SFT... fish man !! =(
   on the brighter side, at least that makes me immune to guard duty next sat when i'm having my chalet !!! err... am i consoling myself again? oopps... i'm gonna miss watching soccer this weekend.. arrggghhhh.... =(
   events this previous week include an entire day of nothing but milo n water for me... arrggghhhhh.... had to refrain from solid food coz i was having the x-ray on tuesday.. so monday basically i did nothing.. haaa... i also had to take the damn purgative too!! it tastes so salty even after i dilute 45ml of it with a glass of water it reminds me of salt water... awful was an understatement when i first tasted it...
   yurks!! And the worst thing was knowing that i got another 45ml to take after lunch... the effects were not good either. practically shitted like i never shit before n it realli feels like urinating with my bum... the drawing of water into my intestines were also so strong... it feels like osmosis in there...
   the x-ray was ok... they gave me a jab before they pump air & barium into my butt. then after making me shift from positions to positions, they also took my x-ray.. liver n some other places.. then they pump out the barium from my butt again... n air too.. n some shit too !! haaa...
   feeling groggy after the jab, i blur blur went back to camp half an hour late n got a minor scolding from a sgt. but he didn't realli scold or punish me coz i got an MC n can opt not to come back to camp if i wanted... heh...
   ok lah... lazy to add on liao... basically these are some things that happened to me in camp. there were some funny instances where my buddy was so sick that he "mer-lioned" in bunk.. i had to clear up after he got Attend C after that.. n i was on att C too... haaa... gross...
Bean blubbered at [23:34]
   i'm back !! back from a semi-hiatus... haven been blogging man... plain lazy... no excuse.. but please pardon me... after completing my field camp, range n Battle Inoculation Course n the first 2 lessons of my Standard Obstacle Course, my company ppl can be considered quite "lao jiao" alreadi... heh...
   haven been doing much in my social life though... coz my time out here is realli pathetic.. routine every week.. book out, go home, throw my dirty clothes into the washing machine to wash then change n rush out to meet apple. go out walk walk, eat lunch, shopping, or watch movie.. then send her home. then i'll go my aunt house for dinner n watch soccer with my uncle.
   my sunday will be spent morning at my aunt's house reading papers or surfing net, then after lunch there go home to slack in my very own room. till about dinner time be4 i get dad to send me to SFT for the fast craft. alternatively, my sundays might be spent playing soccer or going out with my pals... it's pretty low morale on sundays lah.. boking in soon lor... sianz... take care everyone... i missed being a civilian... drats!! =P
Bean blubbered at [15:45]
Saturday, October 18, 2003
   Super Lazy to blog ah these few weeks... haiz... been using pc for oni a few hours a week... this is from my email n so tempted to tell the world something about me that i came here to blog again... heh...
(read this in an email n felt it suits me so purfectly... read n noe me better.. heh... =P)
Of course you don't lose your cool. But your very demeanor (manner) projects haughtiness (arrogance, pride), pride and grand disdain (disregard) for lesser mortals (human). Others are often found saying that anger sits on your nose and you are raring to give your piece mind to the first person who try to be funny with you.
You are selective in the choice of your friends, and have a low tolerance for the superfluous (extra) types. Your tongue-lashing (attack) is generally in a soft hissing tone for when you scream, your voice tends to get shrill and loud and you do hate drawing attention to yourself! When upset, you are angrier with yourself for having shown weakness, for the last thing that Scorpio wants to show is being out of control.
Bean blubbered at [17:17]
Thursday, October 23, 2003
   There're lotsa famous Quotes/Phrases in camp circulating around alreadi... heh... here are some unforgettable ones...
"Nevermind, Whole Lot Knock It Down" - 2IC LT Tsai P K
"You F***ing C***B**, Understand??!!!" - 3SG Erizemen
"NaBei, You think I cannot see right? *points middle finger at us*" - 2LT Shawn Goh
"Are You Sure?" - 2LT Fauzi
"Ser Dee Her !! " - 3SG Erizemen
"Only Women Talk A Lot" - LTA See Ghim Tuck
   hi all !! it's Deepavali... i back home on Thursday !! Great eh? not so great this time though for me... that's coz i have to report back on Sat morning at 0730h for regimental guard duty till sunday morning... dammit.. when others are enjoying their looong weekend, i'll be in Tekong or SFT... fish man !! =(
   on the brighter side, at least that makes me immune to guard duty next sat when i'm having my chalet !!! err... am i consoling myself again? oopps... i'm gonna miss watching soccer this weekend.. arrggghhhh.... =(
   events this previous week include an entire day of nothing but milo n water for me... arrggghhhhh.... had to refrain from solid food coz i was having the x-ray on tuesday.. so monday basically i did nothing.. haaa... i also had to take the damn purgative too!! it tastes so salty even after i dilute 45ml of it with a glass of water it reminds me of salt water... awful was an understatement when i first tasted it...
   yurks!! And the worst thing was knowing that i got another 45ml to take after lunch... the effects were not good either. practically shitted like i never shit before n it realli feels like urinating with my bum... the drawing of water into my intestines were also so strong... it feels like osmosis in there...
   the x-ray was ok... they gave me a jab before they pump air & barium into my butt. then after making me shift from positions to positions, they also took my x-ray.. liver n some other places.. then they pump out the barium from my butt again... n air too.. n some shit too !! haaa...
   feeling groggy after the jab, i blur blur went back to camp half an hour late n got a minor scolding from a sgt. but he didn't realli scold or punish me coz i got an MC n can opt not to come back to camp if i wanted... heh...
   ok lah... lazy to add on liao... basically these are some things that happened to me in camp. there were some funny instances where my buddy was so sick that he "mer-lioned" in bunk.. i had to clear up after he got Attend C after that.. n i was on att C too... haaa... gross...
Sunday, October 19, 2003
   i'm back !! back from a semi-hiatus... haven been blogging man... plain lazy... no excuse.. but please pardon me... after completing my field camp, range n Battle Inoculation Course n the first 2 lessons of my Standard Obstacle Course, my company ppl can be considered quite "lao jiao" alreadi... heh...
   haven been doing much in my social life though... coz my time out here is realli pathetic.. routine every week.. book out, go home, throw my dirty clothes into the washing machine to wash then change n rush out to meet apple. go out walk walk, eat lunch, shopping, or watch movie.. then send her home. then i'll go my aunt house for dinner n watch soccer with my uncle.
   my sunday will be spent morning at my aunt's house reading papers or surfing net, then after lunch there go home to slack in my very own room. till about dinner time be4 i get dad to send me to SFT for the fast craft. alternatively, my sundays might be spent playing soccer or going out with my pals... it's pretty low morale on sundays lah.. boking in soon lor... sianz... take care everyone... i missed being a civilian... drats!! =P
Saturday, October 18, 2003
   Super Lazy to blog ah these few weeks... haiz... been using pc for oni a few hours a week... this is from my email n so tempted to tell the world something about me that i came here to blog again... heh...
(read this in an email n felt it suits me so purfectly... read n noe me better.. heh... =P)
Of course you don't lose your cool. But your very demeanor (manner) projects haughtiness (arrogance, pride), pride and grand disdain (disregard) for lesser mortals (human). Others are often found saying that anger sits on your nose and you are raring to give your piece mind to the first person who try to be funny with you.
You are selective in the choice of your friends, and have a low tolerance for the superfluous (extra) types. Your tongue-lashing (attack) is generally in a soft hissing tone for when you scream, your voice tends to get shrill and loud and you do hate drawing attention to yourself! When upset, you are angrier with yourself for having shown weakness, for the last thing that Scorpio wants to show is being out of control.